NICHOL BRADFORDニコール・ブラッドフォードウィローグループCEO兼創業者 / トランスフォーメーション・テクノロジー・ラボ エグゼクティブ・ディレクター兼共同創業者NICHOL BRADFORDニコール・ブラッドフォードウィローグループCEO兼創業者 / トランスフォーメーション・テクノロジー・ラボ エグゼクティブ・ディレクター兼共同創業者
ウェルビーイング・テクノロジー・科学を新境地へ、実用的に発展させるために様々な活動を行う。新しいビジョン、機会、技術を駆使したツールを創造したり、キュレーションしたりすることで、人間の成長と可能性の拡大を支援することが自身の使命と感じている。国際非営利団体を通じて、ウェルビーイング技術構築に投資。ウェルビーイングテックのファウンダー、投資家、イノベーターを教育・活性化することを目的としたグローバルエコシステム、Transformative Tech.orgを共同設立。現在では、72カ国と450都市に会員をもち、オンライン・オフラインイベントには1,000人以上の参加者を集める。同社では、精神的・感情的ウェルビーイング、社会的・感情的ウェルビーイング、人間の潜在能力とパフォーマンスのために指数関数的な技術を活用しているファウンダーに、フィードバック、資金調達等の機会を提供。また、投資家とウェルビーイング技術の創設者や企業を繋ぐ支援や、企業のイノベーターたちがこれらのツールを理解し、採用できるように支援を行う。スタンフォード大学講師。ウォートンスクールオブビジネス MBA取得。シンギュラリティ大学のグローバルソリューションプログラム参加。著書に、変革的なアフロ・フューチャー小説「The Sisterhood」。趣味は、瞑想と格闘技。
My purpose is to weave well-being, technology and science into new ground and practical possibilities for all of us. My mission is to empower humans to grow and expand by creating or curating new visions, opportunities, and tech-enabled tools for all. I do this by investing in founders who build wellbeing tech through a global non-profit.
I co-founded and built Transformative Tech.org, a global ecosystem dedicated to educating, gathering, and activating wellbeing tech founders, investors, and innovators. Today, we have members in 72 countries and 450 cities and our tentpole events online or in person attract 1K+ attendees. We help founders leveraging exponential tech for mental and emotional wellbeing, social and emotional wellness, and human potential and performance find feedback, funding, and friends. We help investors find the best wellbeing tech founders and companies. I help corporate innovators understand and apply these powerful tools.
I am a lecturer at Stanford University, have an MBA from the Wharton School of Business, and attended Singularity University’s Global Solutions program. I am a novelist and have written The Sisterhood, a work of transformative Afro-futuristic fiction. Outside of work, my two favorite activities are meditation and combat sports. -
PAYAL ARORAパヤル・アローラデジタル人類学者PAYAL ARORAパヤル・アローラデジタル人類学者
デジタル人類学者であり、受賞歴のある「The Next Billion Users」(ハーバード大学出版局)をはじめとする本の著者。また、デジタルストーリーテリング組織「Catalyst Lab」の創設者であり、欧米以外の地域における未来とAIについて考えるイニシアチブ「FemLab.Co」の共同創設者でもある。エラスムス・ロッテルダム大学で教授としてTechnology, Values & Global Media Culturesの講義を担当している。世界中の低所得者層のコミュニティにおける倫理的なAI、インクルーシブデザイン、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを専門分野とし、10年以上のフィールドワークの経験がある。フォーブス誌によって「next billion champion(次なる10億人のチャンピオン)」と称され、技術改革にふさわしい人物と評価された。BBC、The Economist、Quartz、Tech Crunch、The Boston Globe、F.A.Z、The Nation、CBCなど、国際的なメディアによっても活動が取り上げられている。ユネスコ、KPMG、GE、HPなどの技術革新に関するコンサルティングを行っており、インターネットの未来について、TEDx講演を含め、世界54カ国で200以上の講演を行っている。コロンビア大学地球研究所やニューヨークのWorld Women Global Councilなどで役員を務める。インド人、アメリカ人、アイルランド人であり、現在はアムステルダムに在住。
Payal Arora is a digital anthropologist and author of several books including the award-winning “The Next Billion Users” with Harvard Press. She is the founder of a digital storytelling organization Catalyst Lab and co-founder of FemLab.Co, an initiative on AI & the future of work outside the West. She holds the title of Professor and Chair in Technology, Values and Global Media Cultures at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her expertise lies in ethical AI, inclusive design and user experience among low-income communities worldwide and comes with more than a decade of fieldwork in such contexts. Forbes named her the “next billion champion” and the right kind of person to reform tech. Several international media outlets have covered her work including the BBC, The Economist, Quartz, Tech Crunch, The Boston Globe, F.A.Z, The Nation and CBC. She has consulted on tech innovation for diverse organizations such as UNESCO, KPMG, GE, and HP and has given more than 200 presentations in 54 countries including a TEDx talk on the future of the internet. She sits on several boards such as Columbia University Earth Institute and World Women Global Council in New York. She is Indian, American, and Irish and currently lives in Amsterdam.
MARIÉME JAMMEマリエム・ジャムiamtheCODE 創設者MARIÉME JAMMEマリエム・ジャムiamtheCODE 創設者
セネガル生まれの英国人起業家、プログラマー、ブロガー。幼い頃孤児となり体系的な教育を受けられず、16歳で保護施設に入ってから独学でプログラミングなどを学ぶ。IT関連のコンサルティング会社Spotone Global Solutions、SDGs達成のためのデータ収集を促す。Accur8Africa、女子のデジタル教育を推進するiamtheCODEを設立。2017年にはユニセフとビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団がSDGs達成に貢献した人物に贈るGlobal Goals Awardを受賞。TEDxなどでデジタル教育や女性エンパワメントについての講演多数。
Mariéme is a Senegalese-born, French-British businesswoman. She experienced considerable hardship during her childhood and did not have a formative education until the age of 16. She reinvented and learned how to code seven programming languages from her local library and kitchen. She is the CEO of Spotone Global Solutions,an IT consulting firm and Accur8Africa, which facilitates accurate data collection for SDG achievement. Also launched iamtheCODE.org, the first African-led global movement to mobilize government, the private sector, and philanthropic foundations to advance STEAMD Education. Also Mariéme is a Board of Director of World Wide Web Foundation, which established to promote a free and open web to the world, and in 2017 received the Global Goals Award from UNICEF and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for her contributions to achieving the SDGs. She has given many talks about digital education and women’s empowerment at TEDx and other conferences.
AKIHIRO AOYAMA青山 明弘ピープルポート株式会社 代表取締役社長AKIHIRO AOYAMA青山 明弘ピープルポート株式会社 代表取締役社長
1990年生まれ。神奈川県出身。慶應義塾大学法学部卒。祖父母から戦争の話を聞いて育ち、「自分の大切な人が理不尽に奪われる戦争・紛争」に課題意識を持つようになる。カンボジアで、内戦経験者へインタビューした事をきっかけに、ソーシャルビジネスでの戦争・紛争解決、および被害者の支援を志す。新卒で株式会社ボーダレス・ジャパンに入社。東京のボーダレスハウス事業部で1年半、その後ボーダレスハウス台湾支店の立ち上げへ。2年で黒字化し、帰国後日本へ逃れてきた難民のために、ピープルポート株式会社を創業。環境負荷ゼロ、難民ゼロを目指すエシカルパソコン「ZERO PC」の販売を通じて、事業の拡大を図っている。
The founder and CEO of People Port Inc.
Akihiro Aoyama is the founder and CEO of People Port Inc. He was born in 1990 in Kanagawa Prefecture and graduated from the Faculty of Law at Keio University. Growing up listening to war stories from his grandparents, Akihiro became aware of the issues of war and conflict where people’s loved ones are unfairly taken away from them. His experience of interviewing civil war survivors in Cambodia led him to become involved in the social business of resolving war and conflict as well as supporting victims. He joined Borderless Japan upon graduation from university. After a year and a half in Tokyo, he set up the Taiwan office of Borderless House, which became profitable within two years, and after returning to Japan, he founded People Port Inc. for refugees who fled to Japan. He aims to expand his business by selling ZERO PC, an ethical PC that aims to achieve zero human impact on the environment, and zero refugees.
NATSUMI AKITA秋田 夏実アドビ株式会社マーケティング本部 バイス プレジデントNATSUMI AKITA秋田 夏実アドビ株式会社マーケティング本部 バイス プレジデント
秋田夏実は、アドビのマーケティング本部のバイス プレジデントとして、アドビのクラウドサービスのマーケティング、デマンドジェネレーション、広報・ソーシャルメディア、ブランディングを含むコミュニケーション戦略といった日本でのマーケティング活動のすべてを統括しています。秋田は、アドビ入社前には、シティバンク銀行デジタルソリューション部長、マスターカード日本地区副社長などの要職を歴任。2017年4月に金融業界を離れ、アドビに入社しました。2018年より現職。東京大学経済学部卒業。ノースウェスタン大学ケロッグ経営大学院卒業(MBA)。
趣味は、空手とワイン・ティスティング(ワインエキスパートの資格を保有)。夫と共に3人の子供(2男1女)を育てながら日々の生活と業務に奮闘。長期の休暇には家族旅行を楽しみ、これまでに40カ国以上を旅しています。2020年にやまなし大使に就任しました。As a Vice President of Adobe Marketing, Natsumi Akita oversees marketing activities in Japan such as Adobe cloud service marketing, demand generation, public relations / social media, and communication strategies including branding. Prior to joining Adobe, Natsumi held various key positions, including General Manager of the Digital Solutions Department at Citibank Japan and Vice President of MasterCard Japan. She left the financial industry and joined Adobe in April 2017, and has been in her current position since 2018. Natsumi received her bachelor’s degree from the Faculty of Economics, the University of Tokyo, and her MBA from Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management.
MAKOTO ARIMA有馬 誠楽天株式会社 副社長執行役員兼 CRO(チーフレベニュー オフィサー) メディア&スポーツカンパニー プレジデントMAKOTO ARIMA有馬 誠楽天株式会社 副社長執行役員兼 CRO(チーフレベニュー オフィサー) メディア&スポーツカンパニー プレジデント
Makoto Arima served in key positions at a number of internet companies, and in July 2017, he was appointed Vice President and COO and CRO of Rakuten, Inc.
At the same time, a was also appointed CEO of Rakuten Data Marketing, Inc., a new company combined the assets and expertise of Rakuten Inc. and Dentsu Inc. in a joint venture. -
TOMOMI ASAKA浅香 朋美成田赤十字病院 国際診療科部長TOMOMI ASAKA浅香 朋美成田赤十字病院 国際診療科部長
Grew up in Kenya from seven months old. After graduating from high school, returned to Japan and graduated from University of Tokyo, School of Medicine. Completed residency at Japanese Red Cross Kitami Hospital in Hokkaido, and moved to Narita Hospital in Chiba. Worked as a surgeon in Orthopedics, Surgery, and Plastic Surgery. Registered as international medical dispatch personnel of the Japanese Red Cross Society, and have been to Haiti in 2010, Uganda in 2011, and Iraq in 2012. In 2017, appointed as the chief of newly established department, International Medical Center, and have been deeply committed in taking care of foreign patients. Mother of three children.
NATSUKO IZENA伊是名 夏子コラムニストNATSUKO IZENA伊是名 夏子コラムニスト
コラムニスト、1982年生。沖縄生まれ、沖縄育ち、神奈川県在住。東京新聞・中日新聞「障害者は四つ葉のクローバー」を連載中。 骨の弱い障害「骨形成不全症」で電動車いすを使用。身長100cm、体重20kgとコンパクト。右耳が聞こえない。5歳と7歳の子育てを、総勢15人のヘルパーやボランティアに支えながらこなす。 早稲田大学卒業、香川大学大学院修了。アメリカ、デンマークに留学。那覇市小学校英語指導員を経て結婚。 「助け合う」をテーマに16歳からの講演は100回以上。ファッションショーや舞台でも活躍中。 好きなことは、パンダ、体と環境にいいこと、性教育。著書に『ママは身長100cm(ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン)』。
Natsuko Izena is a columnist who born and raised in Okinawa and currently lives in Kanagawa Prefecture. She writes a series of articles in the Tokyo Shimbun and the Chunichi Shimbun entitled “syougaisya ha yotsuba no clover [The Disabled are Four Leaf Clovers]”. She is an electric wheelchair user because of her osteogenesis imperfecta, who is 100cm tall and 20kg wight with right ear hearing loss. She raises two children, age 5 and 7, with the 15 helpers and volunteers. She graduated from Waseda University and graduate school of Kagawa University, has also studied abroad in the United States and Denmark. After working as an English instructor at the Naha City elementary school, she got married. She has given more than 100 lectures on the topic of “”helping each other”” since she was 16 years old. She is also active in fashion shows and on stage. She loves pandas, doing good for the body and the environment, and sex education. She is the author of “Mama ha shincho 100cm [Mama is 100cm Tall]”” (Discover Twenty One).
YOSHIAKI ISHII石井 芳明内閣府 企画官YOSHIAKI ISHII石井 芳明内閣府 企画官
経済産業省にてベンチャー政策、中小企業政策等に従事。LLC/LLP法制、日本ベンチャー大賞、始動 Next Innovator、J-Startupなど各種プログラムの創設を担当。2018年より現職でスタートアップ・エコシステム形成、オープンイノベーションの推進を担当。早稲田大学大学院商学研究科 博士(商学)
Yoshiaki has been working on venture policies and Small and Medium Enterprise Agency at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). He was in charge of establishing various projects such as LLC/LLP legislation, the Nippon Venture Awards, Startup Next Innovator, J-Startup, etc. Since 2018, he has been in his current position to form Startup Ecosystem and promote open innovation. He holds Ph.D., Graduate school of Commerce, Waseda University.
FUMIKO ICHIKAWA市川 文子株式会社リ・パブリック 共同代表FUMIKO ICHIKAWA市川 文子株式会社リ・パブリック 共同代表
慶應義塾大学大学院政策メディア研究科修了。慶應義塾大学大学院にて修士課程修了後、フィンランドに渡航。通信系メーカーノキアに入社し世界各国でのリサーチを起点としてさまざまな製品やサービスの開発に従事。博報堂イノベーションラボを経て、2013年シンク(Think) &ドゥ(Do)タンク、株式会社リ・パブリックを創設。地域や組織における持続可能なイノベーションのためのプロジェクトを多数手がける。監訳に「シリアルイノベーター~非シリコンバレー型イノベーションの流儀」。2019年トランスローカルマガジン「MOMENT」発行。2019年からはサーキュラーデザインカンパニー株式会社fog取締役を兼務。
Fumiko Ichikawa is a managing director and co-founder of Re:public Inc. Graduated from the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University, she joined Nokia in Finland, a telecoms manufacturer, where she was engaged in research and development of various products and services around the world. After working at Hakuhodo Innovation Lab, she founded Re:public Inc., Think & Do Tank, in 2013. She has been involved in numerous projects for sustainable innovation in communities and organizations. She has supervised a translation of the book. Also published a magazine in 2019. Fumiko is also the board of directors of fog, the Circular Design Company, Inc. since 2019.
YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス株式会社 CSR・SDGs推進室 副室長 / セガサミービジネスサポート株式会社 代表取締役社長YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス株式会社 CSR・SDGs推進室 副室長 / セガサミービジネスサポート株式会社 代表取締役社長
Deputy General Manager of CSR/SDGs Promotion Office, Sega Sammy Holdings Corporation / President and CEO, Sega Sammy Business Support Corporation
After serving as a secretary to the President of Tama University, Yuka Ichiki worked at Pasona Inc. where she was in charge of reconstruction projects after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. After that, she joined Namco Inc. (now NAMCO BANDAI ENTERTAINMENT INC.) and launched industry-government-academia collaboration business and educational business where she developed a textbook for elementary school students in 2011, which became an unprecedented hit. She then spent six years as General Manager of the New Business Division. She launched a game method consulting business and a venture collaboration project to utilize the talents of game creators in other fields. After serving as a director of NAMCO BANDAI WILL, a special subsidiary for employing people with disabilities, she was appointed to her current position in April 2020. She has been promoting CSR and SDGs in the Entertainment Group, and in the area of diversity, in particular, she has been promoting measures to employ and promote understanding of people with disabilities as a representative of a special subsidiary. She has also been involved in volunteer activities such as supporting people with disabilities for many years.
ARISA IDO井土 亜梨沙Forbes JAPAN コミュニティプロデューサーARISA IDO井土 亜梨沙Forbes JAPAN コミュニティプロデューサー
1990年生まれ。一橋大学卒業。森ビル、ハフポスト日本版ブログエディター兼「Ladies Be Open」ディレクターを経て現職。
Arisa Ido was born in 1990. Graduated from Hitotsubashi University. Worked at Mori Building and at HuffPost Japan edition as a blog editor and a director of “Ladies Be Open” before taking her current position.
MIKIKO ITO伊藤 美希子ベストインクラスプロデューサーズ マーケティングプロデューサー / 一般社団法人邑サポートMIKIKO ITO伊藤 美希子ベストインクラスプロデューサーズ マーケティングプロデューサー / 一般社団法人邑サポート
Mikiko joined a general advertising agency in 2005, where she belonged to Planning Department and Digital Marketing Department. In 2012, she joined Tsunagu Inc. and in 2016 joined Best in Class Producers, Inc.(BICP), where she has supported clients’ marketing strategies and activities as a marketing producer/planner. She has been volunteering in Suimita Town, Iwate Prefecture, since 2011 to support the temporary housing community, and was a board member of U-Support, a general incorporated association, from 2014 to 2018. She currently continues to travel back and forth between Iwate and Tokyo as a staff member of U-Supoort, working for BICP at the some time. Mikiko calls herself “Warajist”, who wears two warajis (Japanese traditional shoes made of straw) which means a double-jobber, and a remote worker in Sumita Town.
Shiori Ito伊藤 詩織HANASHI Films ディレクター/ジャーナリストShiori Ito伊藤 詩織HANASHI Films ディレクター/ジャーナリスト
イギリスを拠点にBBC、アルジャジーラなど主に海外メディアで映像ニュースやドキュメンタリーを発信している。2018年にHanashi Filmsを共同設立。初監督したドキュメンタリー『Lonely Death』(CNA)がNew York Festivals で銀賞を受賞。著書の『Black Box』(文藝春秋社)は第7回自由報道協会賞で大賞を受賞し、6ヶ国語で翻訳される。2020 TIMEの世界で最も影響力のある100人に選ばれる。
Shiori Ito is a journalist and director. Based in the U.K., she publishes video news and documentaries for the BBC, Al Jazeera and other international media.In 2018, she co-founded Hanashi Films. At the New York Festivals, she won a silver award for the film she directed, Lonely Death. Her book Black Box (Bungeishunjyu) won the Free Press Association of Japan Award for Best Journalism in 2018. Black Box is now available in six languages. For her contribution to Japan’s #MeToo movement, she was listed as one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2020.
MAMETA ENDO遠藤 まめたにじーず 代表MAMETA ENDO遠藤 まめたにじーず 代表
1987年埼玉県生まれ。トランスジェンダー当事者としての自らの体験をきっかけにLGBTの子ども・若者支援に関わる。著書に「先生と親のためのLGBTガイド 〜もしあなたがカミングアウトされたなら」(合同出版)ほか。
Mameta Endo was born in 1987 in Saitama Prefecture. Spurred by his own experiences as a transgender, Mameta is involved in supporting LGBT children and youth. Mameta has written a book about LGBT Guide for Teachers and Parents.
AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院 早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院 早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授
「Strategic Management Journal」「Journal of International Business Studies」など国際的な主要経営学術誌に論文を多数発表。
『ビジネススクールでは学べない 世界最先端の経営学』(日経BP社) 他Akie graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Keio University and completed his master’s degree at the Graduate School of Economics of Keio University. After working mainly for automobile manufactures and domestic and international government agencies in research and consulting work at Mitsubishi Research Institute, he got Ph.D from graduate business school of the University of Pittsburgh(Katz), US in 2008. He has been an assistant professor of the business school at the State University of New York at Buffalo since 2008, and an associate professor at the Waseda University School of Business since 2013. Since 2019, he has been in his current position.He has published numerous articles in major international journals on management such as Strategic Management Journal and Journal of International Business Studies. He is also the author of several books.
ASAKO OSAKI大崎 麻子We Empower ナショナルコーディネーターASAKO OSAKI大崎 麻子We Empower ナショナルコーディネーター
米コロンビア大学国際公共政策大学院で国際関係修士号取得後、国連開発計画(UNDP)に入局。途上国のジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントの推進を担当し、世界各地で女子教育、雇用・起業、政治参加の促進のプロジェクトを実施した。現在は、フリーの専門家として、国内外で幅広く活動中。東日本大震災後の被災地での女性支援を機に、日本国内のジェンダー平等推進にも取り組んでいる。内閣府男女共同参画推進連携会議有識者議員、G20の民間エンゲージメントグループであるW20(Women 20)運営委員、G7諸国の「職場におけるジェンダー平等推進」を目的とするUN Women、ILO、EU協調プロジェクト「We Empower」の日本コーディネーターなどを務めている。著書に『女の子の幸福論 もっと輝く明日からの生き方』(講談社)、『エンパワーメント 働くミレニアル女子が身につけたい力』(経済界)。
Asako Osaki is a policy and advocacy expert specializing in gender equality and empowerment of women and girls. After receiving an M.A. from Columbia University in international affairs, she joined U.N. Development Programme (UNDP) and served as the program manager in charge of promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in developing countries. Since her return to Tokyo, she has been active in mainstreaming gender in Japan’s policies and programs, both those of domestic and overseas assistance, working with government, international organizations, NGOs, and municipalities. She now serves as Japan’s National Director for We Empower, a joint project of UN Women, ILO and EU that aims to promote gender equality in workplace in G7 countries, as well as Director of Plan International Japan.
NORIYUKI OKA岡 徳之株式会社Livit Tokyo 代表NORIYUKI OKA岡 徳之株式会社Livit Tokyo 代表
2009年慶應義塾大学経済学部を卒業後、PR会社に入社。2011年に独立し、ライターとしてのキャリアを歩み始める。その後、記事執筆の分野をビジネス、テクノロジー、マーケティングへと広げ、企業のオウンドメディア運営にも従事。2013年シンガポールに進出。事業拡大にともない、専属ライターの採用、海外在住ライターのネットワーキングを開始。2015年オランダに進出。現在はアムステルダムを拠点に活動。これまで「東洋経済オンライン」や「NewsPicks」など有力メディア約30媒体で連載を担当。共著に『ミレニアル・Z世代の「新」価値観』『フューチャーリテール ~欧米の最新事例から紐解く、未来の小売体験~』。ポッドキャスト『グローバル・インサイト』『海外移住家族の夫婦会議』。
After graduating from Keio University in 2009 with a bachelor’s degree in economics, he joined a PR firm and started his own business in 2011. He has expanded his writing into business, technology, and marketing, as well as consulting companies’ owned medias. After moving to Singapore, he started hiring exclusive writers and writers living abroad for networking, and moved to the Netherlands in 2015. He is currently based in Amsterdam. He has worked with over 30 leading media outlets, including Toyo Keizai Online and NewsPicks. He also is the auther of several works and owns his Podcast channels.
ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子株式会社プロノバ 代表取締役社長ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子株式会社プロノバ 代表取締役社長
経営チーム強化コンサルタント、ヘッドハンター、リーダー育成のプロ。年間200名超の経営者のリーダーシップ開発を行う。三菱商事、ハーバードMBA、マッキンゼー、グロービス・グループを経て、2007年プロノバ設立。丸井グループ、セプテーニ・ホールディングス、ユーグレナ、マネーフォワード、ランサーズ、ヤプリにて社外取締役。世界経済フォーラムから「Young Global Leaders 2007」に選出。著書に『40歳が社長になる日』(幻冬舎)他
Etsuko Okajima is a consultant specializing in management team, a headhunter, an expert in human resource development. She works with over 200 executives annually on their leadership development. After working at Mitsubishi Corporation, she received an MBA from Harvard University. Then, after working at McKinsey and the Globis Group, she founded Pronova in 2007. She has also served as an outside director of Marui Group, Septeni Holdings, Euglena, MoneyForward, Lancers and Yappli. The World Economic Forum chose her as Young Global Leaders 2007.She is the author of several books.
HIDETO OGIWARA荻原 英人ピースマインド株式会社 代表取締役社長HIDETO OGIWARA荻原 英人ピースマインド株式会社 代表取締役社長
国際基督教大学(ICU)教養学部国際関係学科卒 国際EAP協会認定 国際EAPコンサルタント(CEAP)、産業カウンセラー
大学在学中の1998年に、メンタルヘルスサービスのピースマインド創業。2018年より現職。日本・アジアにおけるEAP(従業員支援プログラム)サービスのパイオニアとして約1000社の国内外の企業をサポート。「はたらくをよくする®」事業を通じて、人と組織の成長を支援している。Forbes JAPANが選ぶ「日本のインパクト・アントレプレナー35」選出。
著書『レジリエンス ビルディング――「変化に強い」人と組織のつくり方』他Graduated from International Christian University (ICU), Department of Liberal Arts, B.A. in International Relations
International EAP Association Certified International EAP Consultant (CEAP) and Industrial Counselor.
He founded Peacemind, a mental health service provider, in 1998 while still in college, and has been in his current position since 2018. As a pioneer of Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services in Japan and Asia, he has supported about 1,000 domestic and international companies. He supports the growth of people and organizations through the “Hataraku wo yokusuru®” project.
He has been selected by Forbes Japan as one of the “Japan’s 35 Impact Entrepreneurs”.
He is the author of the several books. -
NAOKO OKUMOTO奥本 直子アンバー・ブリッジ・パートナーズ CEO & マネージング・パートナーNAOKO OKUMOTO奥本 直子アンバー・ブリッジ・パートナーズ CEO & マネージング・パートナー
ボストン大学大学院修士課程終了後、シリコンバレーにて米国Microsoft、TIBCO Softwareに勤務し、環太平洋アジア市場の事業戦略立案・推進を担当。2003年より米国ヤフー本社にてジョイント・ベンチャー(JV)統括担当バイス・プレジデントとして、ヤフー・ジャパン及び豪州の一大メディア複合企業Seven West MediaとのJVであるYahoo7の戦略的マネージメント業務に携わる。2014年、ベンチャー・キャピタル WiLの創業に参画し、パートナーとして投資活動に従事。2017年に独立し、日米の橋渡しと協業をミッションとした戦略コンサルティング・投資会社アンバー・ブリッジ・パートナーズを創業。孫泰蔵氏の率いるソーシャル・インパクト創造ファンド兼コミュニティ Mistletoeの米国マネージング・ディレクター、ソフトバンクグループ傘下のファンド Zコーポレーションのエグゼクティブ・アドバイザーなどを務める。英国本社のグローバル事業会社 S4 Capital社外取締役。米国シリコンバレーのスタートアップEdCastの社外取締役ほか、米国スタートアップ2社のボード・アドバイザーを務める。世界最大のウェルビーイング・テクノロジーのエコシステムを運営するTransformative Technology(非営利団体)のボードアドバイザーならびに日本・アジア支局の代表を務め、人間の心身の成長をサポートするウェルビーイング・テクノロジーの浸透、拡大に努める。
京都女子大学 文学部英文科 卒
Boston University, Master of Science in Marketing and PR(修士課程)卒Naoko Okumoto is a senior-level investment and business development executive with a proven track record in building new business portfolios within Silicon Valley and APAC. She is the CEO and Managing Partner of Amber Bridge Partners, a strategic investment and consulting firm specializing in cross-border business development/investment/operations between the US and Asia Pacific & Japan.
Naoko serves as a Non-executive Director at S4 Capital, a digital advertising and marketing services company established by Sir Martin Sorrell, the founder and former CEO of WPP. She is also a board observer at EdCast and sits on the advisory board at Precision Autonomy as well as Transformative Technology (NPO).
Naoko is an Executive Advisor at Z Corporation, a technology fund created with the aim to drive open innovations for Softbank/Yahoo Japan. At Z Corporation, Naoko led an exclusive partnership deal with CoinDesk, the world’s leading media specializing in blockchain and digital currencies. Upon establishing CoinDesk Japan, she served as an EVP and Board of Director at CoinDesk Japan and drove the company’s strategy and operations.
Naoko drives various activities for Mistletoe, a collective impact community/fund founded by Taizo Son. She identifies and makes investment decisions and helps drive activities for the social impact community.
Prior to establishing her own firm, Naoko was a founding partner at World Innovation Lab (WiL), a cross-border VC firm which raised $360M for its first fund. She identified new market opportunities and pursued game-changing technologies, products and services in digital healthcare, marketing intelligence/ad tech, consumer products/services, and enterprise SaaS.
Naoko was previously the Vice President of International Product and Business Management at Yahoo Inc., holding P/L responsibilities for Yahoo Inc.’s joint ventures – Yahoo Japan and Yahoo 7. Prior to Yahoo, Naoko held senior management positions at TIBCO Software and Microsoft with P/L management experience driving Asia Pacific/Japan market-entry strategy and execution.
Naoko holds a MS in Marketing and Communications from Boston University and a BA in English from Kyoto Women’s University.
Hirotada Ototake was born in 1976 in Tokyo. When he was a student at Waseda University, he wrote a book about himself. To date, over 6 million copies have been sold. After graduating, he worked as a sportswriter. Later, he served as an elementary school teacher and a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education. He currently hosts “AbemaPrime” as an MC. In November of last year, his book which describes the entirety of the prosthetic leg project was released.
ATSUSHI OYAIZU小柳津 篤日本マイクロソフト株式会社 エグゼクティブアドバイザーATSUSHI OYAIZU小柳津 篤日本マイクロソフト株式会社 エグゼクティブアドバイザー
1995 年マイクロソフト入社。営業/マーケティング部門を経て2002 年より BPA (Business Productivity Advisor) チームを率い、ホワイトカラーの生産性向上やワークスタイル変革に関する100社超のユーザプロジェクトをサポート。2009年からはエグゼクティブアドバイザーとして働き方改革に関する多くの提言を行っている。2014年、4省(総務/厚労/経産/国交)の主唱により始まった働き方改革推進の国民運動である「テレワーク月間」において実行委員を務める。これまで、早稲田大学・東京大学大学院などで非常勤講師を務めた他講演多数。
Atsushi Oyaizu joined Microsoft in 1995. After working in sales and marketing, he started Business Productivity Advisor (BPA),a team to improve white-collar productivity since 2002, and has supported more than 100 user projects on work style transformation.
Since 2009, as an executive advisor, he has made a number of recommendations on work system reform.
In 2014, he was appointed to be a member of the executive committee for “Telework Month,” a national movement to promote work system reform on the initiative of four ministries (General Affairs, Health, Labor, Economy, Trade and Industry, and Land, Infrastructure and Transport).
He has given many lectures including a part-time lecturer at Waseda University and the University of Tokyo Graduate School. -
TOMOAKI KAGEYAMA影山 知明クルミドコーヒー/胡桃堂喫茶店TOMOAKI KAGEYAMA影山 知明クルミドコーヒー/胡桃堂喫茶店
著書に『ゆっくり、いそげ ~カフェからはじめる人を手段化しない経済~』(大和書房)。
『続・ゆっくり、いそげ ~植物が育つように、いのちの形をした経済・社会をつくる~』(査読版、クルミド出版)。Tomoaki Kageyama is an owner of Kurumed Coffee. Born in 1973 in Nishikokubunji, Tokyo. After graduating from university, he joined a management consulting company and participated in the establishment of a venture capital firm. In 2008, he started Festinalente Inc. and rebuilt his birthplace in Nishikokubunji to open “Mage Nishikokubunji”, a multi-generational share house, and “Kurumido Coffee” on the first floor of the building. In 2017, Kurumido Coffee Shop was opened as a second shop. He is also involved in publishing, bookstore business, philosophical café, university, rice farming, and community currency. He is also the author of several books.
MARIKO KAWAGUCHI河口 眞理子不二製油グループ本社 CEO補佐MARIKO KAWAGUCHI河口 眞理子不二製油グループ本社 CEO補佐
立教大学特任教授、不二製油グループ本社CEO補佐、大和総研 特別アドバイザー。一橋大学大学院修士課程修了(環境経済)後大和証券入社。大和証券グループ本社CSR室長、大和総研研究主幹など歴任。2020年4月より現職。企業の立場(CSR)、投資家の立場(ESG投資)、生活者の立場(エシカル消費)の分野サステナビリティ全般に関し20年以上調査研究、提言活動に従事。
アナリスト協会検定会員、国連グローバル・コンパクト・ネットワーク・ジャパン理事、NPO法人・日本サステナブル投資フォーラム共同代表理事。エシカル推進協議会理事、プラン・ジャパン評議員、サステナビリティ日本フォーラム評議委員、WWFジャパン理事。環境省中央環境審議会臨時委員、)経済産業省 家電リサイクルにかかわる審議会、長野県環境審議会専門委員、著書「ソーシャルファイナンスの教科書」生産性出版、「SDGsで『変わる経済』と『新たな暮らし』」生産性出版Professor Rikkyo University, Executive Advisor to CEO, Fuji Oil Holdings, Special Advisor to Daiwa Institute of Research
After acquiring Masters Degree(environmental economics) at Hitotsubashi University, Joined Daiwa securities, worked as securities analyst, consultant, Head of CSR at Daiwa Securities Group Holdings, and Senior Principal of Daiwa Institute of Research . Served as a research specialist of Sustainability issues including CSR, ESG investment and ethical consumption for more than 20 years.
Also serving as Director of Un Global Compact Network Japan, Joint Chief Executive of Japan Sustainable Investment Forum, Director of Ethical Promotion Institute, Director of WWF Japan. Committee member of Environmental Committee Environmental Ministry, Member of Home Appliance Recycling Committee of METI, Member of Environmental Committee of Nagano Prefecture. -
SHIN KIKUCHI菊池 紳いきものCo.代表取締役SHIN KIKUCHI菊池 紳いきものCo.代表取締役
インパクト・インキュベーター『チキュウ(chiQ)』や農産流通プラットフォーム『SEND(センド)』の創業者。農林漁業・食料、生物・資源・生態系と共にある社会づくりを手掛ける。いきものCo.代表 / 慶應義塾大学SFC研究所 上席研究員 / 農林水産省生物多様性戦略 検討委員ほか。グッドデザイン金賞など。
Shin Kikuchi is an entrepreneur and business designer working in the food, agricultural, livestock, fisheries, and bio-resource sectors, best known as the founder of the agricultural distribution platform “SEND”. He is also a representative of Iki-mono Co, a senior officer at Keio Research Institute at SFC, and a member of The Biodiversity Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. He has received many awards including the Good Design Gold Award and Forbes Award.
NANA KUSAKABE日下部 奈々ソフトバンク株式会社 SDGs推進室NANA KUSAKABE日下部 奈々ソフトバンク株式会社 SDGs推進室
She joined SOFTBANK in 2004. She was in charge of hiring new graduates and mid-career employees, launching the “SoftBank University,” a human resource development institution, identifying and training leaders in next-generation, talent management and diversity promotion, including the “SoftBank Academia.” She is currently assigned to the SDGs Promotion Office that formulates and promotes SDGs strategies, communicates with external parties, and internal penetration measures.
KATSUNORI KOIKE小池 克典株式会社LIFULL Living Anywhere Commons 事業責任者KATSUNORI KOIKE小池 克典株式会社LIFULL Living Anywhere Commons 事業責任者
株式会社LIFULL 地方創生推進部 LivingAnywhere Commons事業責任者・株式会社LIFULL ArchiTech 代表取締役社長・一般社団法人LivingAnywhere 副事務局長 1983年栃木県生まれ 株式会社LIFULLに入社し、LIFULL HOME’Sの広告営業部門で営業、マネジメント、新部署の立ち上げや新規事業開発を担当。現在は場所の制約に縛られないライフスタイルの実現と地域の関係人口を生み出すことを目的とした定額多拠点サービス「LivingAnywhere Commons」の推進を通じて地域活性、行政連携、テクノロジー開発、スタートアップ支援などを行う。
Koike Katsunori is head of LivingAnywhere Commons Project in LIFULL Co., Ltd., President of LIFULL Social Funding Co., Ltd, and Deputy Secretary-General of a general incorporated association LivingAnywhere. He joined LIFULL Co., Ltd. in the advertising sales department of HOME’S and was in charge of sales, management, launching new departments, and new business development. He is currently involved in community revitalization, government cooperation, technology development, and support for start-up through the promotion of “LivingAnywhere Commons,” a fixed-rate multi-location service that aims to create a lifestyle unconstrained by location restrictions and to increase regional experience seekers who want to contribute to the community. Born in Tochigi, Japan in 1983.
KEIKO KOJIMA小島 慶子エッセイスト/タレントKEIKO KOJIMA小島 慶子エッセイスト/タレント
自身の経験を通じて、病気や障害についても積極的に発信している。2014年より、オーストラリア・パースに教育移住。夫と二人の息子はオーストラリアで生活し、自身は日本に仕事のベースを置いて、日豪を行き来している。Born in Australia in 1972.
She spent her childhood in Singapore and Hong Kong in addition to Japan.
Joined TBS in 1995 after graduating from the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University. Appeared on TV and radio as an announcer. In 1999, she got the 36th Galaxy DJ Personality Award.
She has long been involved in creating in-house systems related to work-life balance.
After leaving the company in 2010, she has appeared in various media, and has been energetically writing and giving lectures. Publishes many serials such as “AERA”, “VERY”, “Nikkei ARIA”, and “withnews”.
She has written many books too.
Currently, as a visiting researcher at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo, she also holds symposiums on media and journalism.She announced that experienced eating disorders in her teens to 20s, anxiety disorders in 30s, and was diagnosed with mild ADHD, which is one of the developmental disorders, after she was 40 years old.
Through her own experience, she actively communicates about illnesses and disabilities.
From 2014, she moved to Perth, Australia for education.
Her husband and two sons live in Australia, and they have their own work base in Japan and she travels between Japan and Australia. -
FUMIAKI KOBAYASHI小林 史明衆議院議員 自民党デジタル社会推進本部事務総長FUMIAKI KOBAYASHI小林 史明衆議院議員 自民党デジタル社会推進本部事務総長
「テクノロジーの社会実装により、多様でフェアな社会を実現する」を政治信条とし、規制改革、特にデジタル規制改革に注力。自由民主党でデジタル社会推進本部 事務総長を務める。第3次安倍改造内閣・第4次安倍内閣において、総務大臣政務官兼内閣府大臣政務官として、電波・放送・通信関連の規制改革を推進し、楽天の新規参入、携帯キャリアのいわゆる2年縛りの是正など、政策面から通信業界の健全な競争環境作りを実現した。また、自民党行革推進本部規制改革チーム座長としても漁業改革、公務員制度改革などをもたらす提言をまとめた。自由民主党第50代青年局長として組織のデジタル化を推進、政治の多様性を掲げて多くの提言をまとめた。広島7区、3期目。広島県福山市出身。1983年生まれ、上智大学理工学部卒。
“Achieving a diverse and fair society through the social implementation of technology” is Fumiaki Kobayashi’s political belief and he is involved in regulatory reform, especially in digital field. He serves as Secretary General of the Digital Society Promotion Headquarters of the Liberal Democratic Party.
In the third and fourth Abe cabinets, as Parliamentary Secretary of Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and of Cabinet Office, he has promoted regulatory reforms in the field of radio waves, broadcasting and telecommunications, and achieved a healthy competitive environment for the telecommunications industry from a policy perspective, including the entry of Rakuten and the corrections of the so-called “two-year lease agreement” for mobile carriers. He also chaired the Regulatory Reform Team of the Liberal Democratic Party’s Headquarters for Administrative Reform and formulated proposals for fisheries reform, civil service system reform, and other reforms.As the 50th Director, Youth Division of the Liberal Democratic Party, he has promoted the digitalization of the organization and formulated a number of proposals promoting political diversity.
He is currently serving his third term in Hiroshima’s 7th Constituency. Born in 1983, in Fukuyama, Hiroshima. Graduated from Sophia University with a bachelor’s degree in science and engineering.
MAKIKO SHINODA篠田 真貴子エール株式会社 取締役MAKIKO SHINODA篠田 真貴子エール株式会社 取締役
慶應義塾大学経済学部卒、米ペンシルバニア大ウォートン校MBA、ジョンズ・ホプキンス大国際関係論修士。日本長期信用銀行、マッキンゼー、ノバルティス、ネスレを経て、2008年10月に(株)ほぼ日(旧・東京糸井重里事務所、2017年3月JASDAQ上場)に入社。2008 年 12 月より 2018 年 11 月まで同社取締役CFO。現在は、充電中。「ALLIANCE アライアンス———人と企業が信頼で結ばれる新しい雇用」監訳。
Makiko Shinoda is a board member at Yale Inc. She has recently left her position after serving for ten years as CFO and board member of Hobonichi, which was listed on JASDAQ March 2017. Prior to Hobonichi, She held finance leadership positions at Novartis and Nestle after her experience at McKinsey & Company and the Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan. She earned her MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, MA in International Relations from SAIS, Johns Hopkins University, and Bachelor of Economics from Keio University.
TOSHIAKI SHIMAKAWA島川 敏明株式会社インフィニティベンチャーズサミット 代表取締役TOSHIAKI SHIMAKAWA島川 敏明株式会社インフィニティベンチャーズサミット 代表取締役
大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科卒。理化学研究所で分子生物学/神経学の研究に従事。2017年インフィニティベンチャーズに入社し、投資活動に加え、IT企業の経営者層が約600名集結する招待制カンファレンス“Infinity Ventures Summit”の運営やライブ配信アプリを提供する17LIVEの立ち上げを行う。17LIVEでは、2年間で日本のライブ配信業界において売上1位を達成。2020年1月から株式会社インフィニティベンチャーズサミットの代表取締役に就任し、IVSを完全オンライン化し過去最大規模1200名にて開催。新ピッチイベント、新ファンド立ち上げに奮闘中。
Toshiaki graduated from the Graduate School of Bioscience and Biotechnology at Osaka University, where he studied molecular biology/neurology. He joined Infinity Ventures in 2017, and in addition to investing in the company, he is organizing the “Infinity Ventures Summit”, an invitation-only conference where about 600 executives from IT companies gather. “17LIVE”, which operates and provides live-streaming apps; 17LIVE has achieved top sales in Japan’s live-streaming industry in two years. In January 2020, he was appointed President of Infinity Ventures Summit, Inc. and has been fully responsible for IVS. The event goes online with a record number of 1200 people. Struggling to launch a new pitch event and new fund.
Born in 1962. After working as a consulting firm fellow, he has presided over Dialogue in the Dark in Japan since 1999. He met “Dialog in the Dark” (https://did.dialogue.or.jp), which was held in Vienna in a small article in the Nihon Keizai Shimbun in 1993, that visually impaired people guide people through the darkness of jet black and have a dialogue. He was so impressed and wrote a letter to the inventor in German, Andreas Heinecke, and obtained his consent to hold it in Japan. In 1999, he held it for the first time in Japan. It continues to provide the world as a social platform that enables people with equal and enjoyable communication while creating new jobs for the visually impaired. Permanently installed in front of Tokyo Gaien from 2009 to 2017. Since 2013, he started a co-creation project “House with Dialogue” with Sekisui House in Osaka. More than 230,000 people have experienced it in Japan. In 2017, a dialogue-in-silence has been held for a short period of time, which to guide people hearing-impaired people through the tranquility, and the number of people who experienced this would be 10,000. In 2019, he held a Dialogue With Time guided by the elderly. In August 2020, he established “Taiwa no mori” (https://taiwanomori.dialogue.or.jp/), so-called “Dialogue museum” that integrates these Dialoges of diversity and inclusion.
1990年8月12日生まれ。中国上海出身で7歳に渡日。早稲田大学在学中にビジネスコンテスト/プログラミングコンテストをゼロイチでプロデュース。2013年に卒業後、グリー広告事業本部にてネット広告商品のセールスを経験。2014年に会社設立し共同代表取締役CEOに就任。創業事業としてオタク向けキュレーションメディアfestyを運営し、2017年に事業譲渡。同年にオンラインフィットネス事業に参入し、SOELUをリリース。累計受講数100万回突破。オンラインフィットネスサービスブランドイメージ調査にて「認知度」「満足度」「続けやすさ」などで6冠達成。累計7億円以上資金調達済(融資含む)。出資VCはミクシィ、ANRI、SMBCVC、NOW、博報堂DYV、KVP、 iSGS、DGDaiwaなど。
FUMINO SUGIYAMA杉山 文野NPO法人東京レインボープライド 共同代表理事FUMINO SUGIYAMA杉山 文野NPO法人東京レインボープライド 共同代表理事
Born in Tokyo in 1981. Former Japanese women’s national fencing player. Transgendered. Graduated with a master’s degree from the Graduate School of Education at Waseda University. Fumino spent two years backpacking in 50 countries and Antarctica, where Fumino confronted a variety of social issues.
Fumino is a co-chairman of Tokyo Rainbow Pride, the largest LGBT pride parade in Japan, and was involved in the establishment of Japan’s first same-sex partnership ordinance in Shibuya City. Currently, Fumino is a father of one child and is struggling to raise children. -
JUN SOEJIMA副島 淳タレント・役者JUN SOEJIMA副島 淳タレント・役者
1984年生まれ。。アメリカ人と日本人とのハーフ。生まれは蒲田、育ちは千葉の浦安という、ルックスとは異なり中身は日本人。幼少期はアメリカ人の父親から受け継いだルックスが原因で壮絶なイジメを経験するがバスケットボールとの出会いが転機になる。大学時代までバスケットに没頭し、卒業後はモデルやタレントに興味を持ち雑誌中心にモデルとして活躍。2017 年4月からNHK「あさイチ」毎週火曜日クイズとくもり/ スゴ技Q プレゼンターに抜擢された。そのほかにも、キャラクターを活かし、ドラマ、バラエティー、MC、CM 等で活動中。
MITSUE TAKAGI高木 充恵VAIO株式会社 マーケティング部 部長MITSUE TAKAGI高木 充恵VAIO株式会社 マーケティング部 部長
YUKI TAKEDA武田 友紀HSP専門カウンセラーYUKI TAKEDA武田 友紀HSP専門カウンセラー
Yuki Takeda is a counselor specializing in HSP. She is an HSP herself as well.
Graduated from the engineering department of Kyushu University. After working in research and development at a major manufacturer, she became an independent counselor.
In 2015, when HSP was not well known in Japan, she launched her website “Sensai no mori [Sensitive Forest]” to provide advice on how to choose jobs and relationships based on actual counseling from HSPs.
The counseling and career aptitude tests, which are based on the HSP’s temperament, have been well received, and more than 700 HSPs from all over Japan have come to consult with her.
She has written a book that describes how HSPs can live comfortably, has been well received, and has appeared on radio and TV to raise awareness of HSPs.
In addition to writing about HSP, she also gives lectures and talks about events.
SATOMI TAKENAKA武仲 理美株式会社KabuK Style エンタープライズソリューション事業 責任者 兼 カスタマーサクセス 責任者SATOMI TAKENAKA武仲 理美株式会社KabuK Style エンタープライズソリューション事業 責任者 兼 カスタマーサクセス 責任者
2009年早稲田大学卒業後、Apple Japan入社。その後、クックパッドよりMBOした株式会社ロコガイドにて、収益領域の部門横断での仕組み化効率化支援を主に担当。オペレーション、クライアントサポート、インサイドセールス、CSの立ち上げにも従事。2019年よりKabuK StyleにJoin。経営管理を経てエンタープライズソリューション事業およびカスタマーサクセスを担当。仲間と立ち上げた会社との複業実践中。
MICHIKO TADAMATSU只松 美智子デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング ジェンダー・ストラテジー・リーダーMICHIKO TADAMATSU只松 美智子デロイト トーマツ コンサルティング ジェンダー・ストラテジー・リーダー
外資系コンサルティングファームを経て2010年にデロイト トーマツ コンサルティングに入社。10年以上金融業界のコンサルタントとして様々なプロジェクトに関与。2018年よりSocial Impactユニットに異動、社会アジェンダ、特にジェンダー課題に関するコンサルティングサービスを提供する。
After working for a foreign affiliated consulting firm, Michiko Tadamatsu joined Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC in 2010, where she worked as a consultant in the financial industry for more than 10 years on a variety of projects. In 2018, she moved to the unit of Social Impact and has been providing consulting services on the social agenda, especially gender issues.
MIWA TANAKA田中 美和株式会社Waris 共同代表MIWA TANAKA田中 美和株式会社Waris 共同代表
大学卒業後、2001年に日経ホーム出版社(現 日経BP社)入社。編集記者として雑誌「日経ウーマン」を担当。取材・調査を通じて接してきた働く女性の声はのべ3万人以上。女性が生き生き働き続けるためのサポートを行うべく2012年退職。フリーランスのライター・キャリアカウンセラーとしての活動を経て、2013年多様な生き方・働き方を実現する人材エージェント株式会社Warisを創業し共同代表に。フリーランス女性と企業とのマッチングや離職女性の再就職支援に取り組む。フリーランス/複業/女性のキャリア/ダイバーシティ等をテーマに講演・執筆も。著書に『普通の会社員がフリーランスで稼ぐ』。一般社団法人プロフェッショナル&パラレルキャリア・フリーランス協会理事。国家資格キャリアコンサルタント。2018年に出産し1児の母。
Co-Founder of Waris Inc.
Miwa Tanaka is the co-founder of Waris Inc. After graduating from university, she joined Nikkei Home Publishing (now Nikkei BP) in 2001. As an editorial reporter, she was in charge of the magazine “Nikkei Women”. She has interviewed and collected the opinions of more than 30,000 working women. She left the publishing house in 2012 to support women in creating an enthusiastic and lively work life for themselves. After working as a freelance writer and career counselor, Miwa co-founded Waris Inc., a company that provides human resource service and encourages a diverse way of life and work. She works on matching freelance women with companies and helping women who have taken time off from working find new jobs. She also speaks and writes about freelance work, side jobs, women’s careers, diversity, and other topics. She is a board member of the Professional and Parallel Career Freelance Association. Miwa is a nationally qualified Career Consultant and mother of one child, born in 2018.
AYANA TSUKAHARA塚原 文奈ヘイ株式会社 取締役 / ストアーズ・ドット・ジェーピー株式会社 代表取締役 兼 CEOAYANA TSUKAHARA塚原 文奈ヘイ株式会社 取締役 / ストアーズ・ドット・ジェーピー株式会社 代表取締役 兼 CEO
Joined Intelligence, Ltd. in 2003 upon graduation from university and then joined CyberAgent, Inc. in 2004. After working as a freelancer, she joined Bracket Inc. in 2012 and became COO, working on the overall management of the business and the company before the launch of STORES.jp. Since 2016, she has been CEO of STORES.jp, Inc.
HARUAKI DEGUCHI出口 治明立命館アジア太平洋大学 (APU) 学長 / 学校法人立命館副総長・理事HARUAKI DEGUCHI出口 治明立命館アジア太平洋大学 (APU) 学長 / 学校法人立命館副総長・理事
1948年、三重県生まれ。京都大学法学部卒業後、日本生命保険相互会社入社。ロンドン現地法人社長、国際業務部長などを歴任。2005年に東京大学総長室アドバイザー、2007年に早稲田大学大学院講師を経て、2008年にライフネット生命を開業。2017年に代表取締役会長を退任後、2018年1月より現職。『「教える」ということ 日本を救う、[尖った人]を増やすには』(KADOKAWA)、『人生を面白くする 本物の教養』(幻冬舎新書)、『僕が大切にしてきた仕事の超基本50』 (朝日新聞出版)、『「おいしい人生」を生きるための授業』 (PHP研究所)、『知的生産術』 (日本実業出版社)など著書多数。
Haruaki Deguchi is the trustee, vice-chancellor, and president of the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. He was born in Mie prefecture in 1948. After completing a Bachelor of Law at Kyoto University, he joined Nippon Life Insurance Company, served as president of the London office and head of international operations. Having served as an advisor to the President Office of the Tokyo University in 2005 and as a lecturer at the Graduate School of Waseda University in 2007, he started Lifenet Insurance company in 2008. After retiring as chairman of the board in 2017, he has been in his current position since January 2018. He is the author of many books.
Rino Nakashima中島 梨乃性教育プロデューサーRino Nakashima中島 梨乃性教育プロデューサー
Rino was born in 2000, in Aichi Prefecture. She has been working since high school to reduce the number of people in Japan who get hurt by unintended pregnancies, STD(sexually transmitted diseases), sex crimes, infertility, prejudice against LGBTQ+ people and other sex-related issues.
HIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata株式会社 CCOHIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata株式会社 CCO
グローバルデジタルマーケティングカンファレンス、ad:tech/iMedia Summitを主催している。dmg::events Japan 株式会社に入社し、6年間主にコンテンツプログラムの責任者として従事。2015年にmash-inc.設立。女性エンパワメントを軸にジェンダー、年齢、働き方、健康の問題などまわりにある見えない障壁を多彩なセッションやワークショップを通じて解き明かすダイバーシティ推進のビジネスカンファレンス「MASHING UP」を企画プロデュースし、2018年からカンファレンスを展開している。
Hiroko is the organizer of the global digital marketing conference, ad:tech/iMedia Summit. She joined dmg::events Japan inc. where she was primarily responsible for content programs for six years. She founded mash-inc. in 2015. She designed and produced MASHING UP, a business conference promoting diversity that unravels the invisible barriers around genders, ages, working styles, and health issues with a focus on women’s empowerment through a variety of sessions and workshops, and has been running the conference since 2018.
Rina Nagaoka永岡 里菜株式会社おてつたび 代表取締役 CEORina Nagaoka永岡 里菜株式会社おてつたび 代表取締役 CEO
日経ソーシャルビジネスコンテスト優秀賞 / セイノーホールディング株式会社主催「地方創生ビジネスプランコンテスト」最優秀賞受賞 / 女性起業チャレンジコンテスト グランプリ受賞Rina Nagaoka was born in Owase, Mie Prefecture in 1990. After graduating from Chiba University, she worked at a PR and event planning and production company and launched a Japanese food promotion project with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. In July 2018, she founded Otetsutabi Inc. with her intention of creating a system to bring people to seemingly empty areas like her hometown. Otetsutabi web platform matches business (such as lodging facilities, farmers, etc.) that are in trouble due to short term or seasonal labor shortages and young people from outside the region who are interested in going to unknown regions. Their goal is to create a world where anyone can work and travel easily in an unfamiliar places and create a special area for them.
Multi-industry researcher/ HR marketer/ Born in 1988 in Kanagawa Prefecture. After graduating from university, he joined Recruit Career in 2011 and has held positions in corporate sales, new business development, and HR recruitment. In addition to his main job, he founded HARES Inc. in 2015 and continued to work as a practitioner of parallel careers, including work, parenting, and activities outside office, before going independent in January 2017. Since then,He consulted for individuals and companies as a multi-industry researcher, an expert in work system reform. He had numerous lectures and seminars, and a certified LinkedIn influencer.
From September 2017 to March 2018, he served as a member of the “Study Group for Strengthening Human Resources in Japanese Industry” (Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry). In his personal life, he is the father of three children, a 12-year-old son, an 8-year-old second son, and a 4-year-old daughter, and the youngest director of the NPO Fathering Japan.
MISA NISHIMOTO西本 美沙ランドリーボックス株式会社 代表取締役MISA NISHIMOTO西本 美沙ランドリーボックス株式会社 代表取締役
PR会社を経てドワンゴにて広報業務に従事。2016年独立。会社員の傍らはじめたブログをきっかけに、女性の体や性を取り巻く環境に対する関心が高まり、Webメディア「ランドリーガール」開設。2019年2月、ランドリーボックス株式会社設立。2019年8月より、「あらゆるワタシに選択肢を」をテーマに、生理など女性が抱える悩みに特化した記事や商品を提供するプラットフォーム「ランドリーボックス」http://laundrybox.jp を開始。生理用品やフェムケア、フェムテック商材を取り扱う。東京都女性ベンチャー成長促進事業 APT Women 4期に採択
RIE NORITAKE則武 里恵パナソニック株式会社 100BANCH オーガナイザーRIE NORITAKE則武 里恵パナソニック株式会社 100BANCH オーガナイザー
パナソニック株式会社 コーポレート戦略本部 経営企画部 未来戦略室 100BANCHユニット ユニットリーダー
岐阜県生まれ。大学では途上国におけるジェンダー問題とコミュニティー開発を学ぶ。パナソニックに入社後、広報として社内広報とメディア制作を中心に、対外広報、IR、展示会、イベントの企画・運営など、さまざまなコミュニケーション活動を担当。2016年2月より100周年プロジェクトを担当し、2017年7月、次の100年につながる新しい価値の創造に取り組む「未来をつくる実験区 100BANCH」を立ち上げる。100BANCHでは180以上の若者たちのプロジェクトの加速支援に携わるとともに、スタートアップと大企業の交流を通じた人材育成や組織開発なども推進している。Rie Noritake was born in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. At university, she studied gender issues and community development in developing countries. After joining Panasonic, she has worked in public relations, focusing on internal public relations and media production, and has been responsible for a variety of communication activities, including external public relations, investor relations, exhibitions, and planning and management of events. Since February 2016, she has been in charge of the 100th anniversary project of the company. In July 2017, she has launched the “100 BANCH”, as an “Experimental Zone for Creating the Future” to create new value leading the next 100 years. She has been involved in more than 180 youth projects, as well as promoting human resource and organizational development through exchanges between startups and major enterprises.
KEIKO HAMADA浜田 敬子Business Insider Japan 統括編集長KEIKO HAMADA浜田 敬子Business Insider Japan 統括編集長
1989年朝日新聞社入社。前橋・仙台支局、週刊朝日編集部などを経て99年からAERA編集部。女性の働き方雇用問題、国際ニュースを中心に取材。副編集長、編集長代理を経て2014年から編集長。ネット媒体とのコラボや外部プロデューサーによる1号限りの「特別編集長号」など新企画を連発。16年5月から朝日新聞社総合プロデュース室プロデューサーとして新規プロジェクトの開発などに取り組む。「働くと子育てを考えるWORKO!」「Change Working Style」などのプロジェクトを立ち上げる。テレビ朝日「羽鳥慎一モーニングショー」の水曜コメンテーターなども務める。著書に「働く女子と罪悪感 『こうあるべき』から離れたら、もっと仕事は楽しくなる」。
In 1989, Keiko joined the Asahi Shimbun. After working at the Maehashi and Sendai branch and at Shukan Asahi, she became an editor of AERA in 1999. She has mainly covered women’s work styles/employment issues, and international news. After serving as a deputy editor and an acting editor-in-chief, she became an editor-in-chief in 2014. She launched new projects in a row such as collaborations with internet media and inviting a producer from outside to make a “special limited edition”. From May 2016, she has been involved in developing new projects as a producer of the Asahi Shimbun’s general production department. She launched various projects such as “WORKO! to think about working and raising children”, “Change Working Style”. She also serves as a Wednesday commentator on TV Asahi’s “Shinichi Hatori’s Morning Show”. She is the author of several books.
CHIAKI HAYASHI林 千晶株式会社ロフトワーク 代表取締役CHIAKI HAYASHI林 千晶株式会社ロフトワーク 代表取締役
早稲田大学商学部、ボストン大学大学院ジャーナリズム学科卒。花王を経て、2000年にロフトワークを起業。Webデザイン、ビジネスデザイン、コミュニティデザイン、空間デザインなど、手がけるプロジェクトは年間200件を超える。グローバルに展開するデジタルものづくりカフェ「FabCafe」、素材の新たな可能性を探求する「MTRL」、オンライン公募・審査でクリエイターとの共創を促進する「AWRD」などのコミュニティやプラットフォームを運営。グッドデザイン賞審査委員、経済産業省 産業構造審議会製造産業分科会委員「産業競争力とデザインを考える研究会」、森林再生とものづくりを通じて地域産業創出を目指す「株式会社飛騨の森でクマは踊る」取締役会長も務める。「ウーマン・オブ・ザ・イヤー2017」(日経WOMAN)を受賞。
Graduated from Waseda University School of Commerce and Boston University Graduate School majoring in Journalism. After working at Kao Corporation, Hayashi founded Loftwork in 2000. Each year Loftwork rolls out over 200 projects including web, business, community, and spatial design initiatives. Loftwork also operates communities and platforms such as the digital fabrication café FabCafe; MTRL, which seeks new potential in materials; and AWRD, promoting co-creation with creators through online recruitment and screening. Hayashi is a member of the Good Design Awards Screening Committee, METI’s Industrial Construction Council Manufacturing Industry Subcommittee “Study Group on Competitiveness and Design”, and a chairman of Hidakuma that aims to up-cycle the resources into a form of regional value through the utilization of digital fabrication and technology. She was Woman Of The Year 2017 (Nikkei WOMAN).
ELINA HANZAWA半澤 絵里奈電通 プロデューサーELINA HANZAWA半澤 絵里奈電通 プロデューサー
She joined Dentsu in 2009. After working in the departments of media, sales, marketing and business development, she was involved in the launch of an international conference and development of media planning. At the Dentsu Diversity Lab, she is responsible for producing projects in the area of diversity and inclusion in reference to her experience of being in a diverse environment from childhood, and is the editor-in-chief of the web magazine “cococolor”. She is a co-founder and president of CancerX (Collective Impact Project for Solving Cancer-related Social Issues) and a producer of web service “Learning with Children, Home Channel” which she established due to the pandemic. Born in Hong Kong in 1984.
カリフォルニア州立大学卒業後、コミュニケーション エージェンシーに入社。その後、東京とサンフランシスコにてナイキや任天堂のマーケティングやブランドマネージメント、広報業務に従事する。2010年にFacebook, Inc.に入社し、グローバル コミュニケーションとアジア事業立ち上げの広報戦略を牽引した後、2012年に東京に赴任し、Facebookの日本におけるサービス全般(Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, Oculus)の広報統括責任者となる。2017年からはAmazon Japanでデジタル・エンターテイメント事業の広報統括責任者となり、2018年にWeWork Japanの副社長 広報・渉外統括に就任。
Kumiko Hidaka joined WeWork Japan in Aug 2018 as Vice President, Public Affairs, where she oversees
the company’s communications, government relations, and strategic relations efforts in Japan.
Previously, she was Head of Communications, Digital Entertainment, at Amazon Japan, where she led
the PR team for their digital entertainment businesses like Amazon Prime Video and Amazon Music.
Prior to that, she spent over six years at Facebook in Menlo Park and Tokyo, where she lead the
communications strategy for their Asia market entry and last served as the Head of Communications,
Japan, responsible for communications across all the Facebook family of apps including Facebook,
Instagram, Messenger, and Oculus. She began her career working on some of the world’s most iconic
brands like Pixar, Nike, and Nintendo while building out her international brand, marketing, and PR
expertise. Kumiko holds BAs in Communications and Japanese Studies from the University of California,
San Diego, with a minor in French Literature. -
SHUSAKU HIROTA廣田 周作株式会社Henge ディレクターSHUSAKU HIROTA廣田 周作株式会社Henge ディレクター
1980年生まれ。放送局でのディレクター職、広告会社でのマーケティング、新規事業開発・ブランドコンサルティング業務を経て、2018年8月に独立。企業のブランド開発を専門に行うHenge Inc.を設立。英国ロンドンに拠点をもつイノベーション・リサーチ企業「Stylus Media Group」の日本におけるチーフを担当。独自のブランド開発の手法をもち、様々な企業のブランド戦略の立案サポートやイノベーション・プロジェクトに多数参画。自著に『SHARED VISION』(宣伝会議)など。
Shusaku was born in 1980. After working as a director at a broadcasting station, marketing and new business development and brand consulting services at an advertising company, He became independent in August 2018 and founded Henge Inc, a company specializing in corporate brand development. He is the chief in Japan for Stylus Media Group, an innovation research company based in London, UK. He has a unique approach to brand development and has participated in numerous innovation projects for a variety of companies in support of their brand strategy planning. He is the author of several books.
Gainen Hoshino is working in the psychiatry department of the hospital, and also known as a writer and a musician. He has several serializations in some magazines and on websites, and many contributions as well. He also works on various musical activities. He is the author of several books.
HIROKO HOSHINO星野 裕子フィナンシャル・タイムズ 在日代表/コマーシャルディレクターHIROKO HOSHINO星野 裕子フィナンシャル・タイムズ 在日代表/コマーシャルディレクター
She joined FT in 2000. She is a member of the com- mercial division and serves as a digital com- mercial director in the Asia region of FT since 2006. She also serves as the representative of Japan from January 2007. She is currently based in 2014. Currently, As well as overseeing advertising in all areas of Asia.
MINORU MATSUBARA松原 稔りそなアセットマネジメント 執行役員責任投資部長MINORU MATSUBARA松原 稔りそなアセットマネジメント 執行役員責任投資部長
1991年りそな銀行入行、以降一貫して運用業務に従事。投資開発室及び公的資金運用部、年金信託運用部、信託財産運用部、運用統括部で運用管理、企画を担当。2009年4月より信託財産運用部企画・モニタリンググループグループリーダー、2017年4月責任投資グループ グループリーダー。2020年1月りそなアセットマネジメント株式会社責任投資部長、2020年4月より現職。2000年 年金資金運用研究センター客員研究員、2005年 年金総合研究センター客員研究員。国連責任投資原則日本ネットワークアドバイザリーコミッティメンバー、環境省「地球温暖化対策推進法施行状況検討会」委員、経産省「サステナブルな企業価値創造に向けた対話の実質化検討会」委員、金融庁・GSG国内諮問委員会共催「インパクト投資に関する勉強会」委員。経済産業省・環境省「サーキュラー・エコノミー及びプラスチック資源循環ファイナンス研究会」委員、「ジャパンSDGsアクション推進協議会」監事、農林水産省「生物多様性戦略検討会」委員、農林水産省「フードサプライチェーンにおける脱炭素化の実践とその可視化のあり方等検討会」委員、環境省「環境サステナブル企業選定委員会」委員、連合総研「『良い会社』であることの情報開示と労働者の立場からの責任投資原則促進に関する調査研究委員会」委員、内閣府「ジェンダー投資に関する調査研究」企画委員会委員、30%Club Japanインベスターグループボードメンバー兼ベストプラクティスタスクフォースリーダー等多数。主な書籍「日弁連ESGガイダンスの解説とSDGs時代の実務対応」共著、NBL「腐敗防止強化に向けた企業と投資家の対話のあり方-贈賄防止アセスメントツールの意義と活用方法を中心に-」他
Minoru Matsubara has been consistently involved in investment management since joining Resona Bank, Limited. In 1991. He is in charge of investment management and planning at the Investment Development Office, Public Fund Management Department, Pension Fund Management Department, Trust Assets Management Department, and Investment Management Control Department. From April 2009, he worked as a chief manager of Trust Assets Management Department, and in April 2017 as a leader of Responsible Investment Group. In January 2020, he became the chief manager of Asset Management Division, Responsible Investment Group and from April 2020, in his current position.
In 2000, he became a visiting researcher at the Pension Fund Management Research Center, and in 2005, a visiting researcher at the Pension Research Institute.
He is also involved in various projects and committees.
・a member of the Advisory Committee of Japan Network, the United Nations-backed Principles for Responsible Investment Initiative Japan
・a member of the Ministry of the Environment’s Study Group on the Status of Implementation of the Global Warming Countermeasures Law,
・a member of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s Study Group on the Substantive Effectiveness of Dialogue for the Creation of Sustainable Corporate Value
・a member of the Study Group on Impact Investing, co-sponsored by the FSA and the GSG Domestic Advisory Committee
・ a member of the Study Group on Circular Economy and Plastic Recycling Finance, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Ministry of the Environment
・a supervisor of the Japan SDGs Action Promotion Committee
・ Member of the Study Group on the Biodiversity Strategy, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries;
・a member of the Study Group on Decarbonization in the Food Supply Chain and How to Visualize it, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
・a member of the Selection Committee for Environmentally Sustainable Companies, Ministry of the Environment
・a member of the Research Committee on Disclosure of Information on Being a “Good Company” and Promotion of Principles for Responsible Investment from the Worker’s Perspective, RENGO Research Institute;
・ a member of the Planning Committee for the Research on Gender Investment, Cabinet Office
・the board member of the Investor Group and a leader of the Best Practices Task Force of 30% Club Japan
He is the author of several works. -
KARIN MATSUMORI松森 果林ダイアログ・ミュージアム「対話の森」ダイアログ・イン・サイレンス アテンドKARIN MATSUMORI松森 果林ダイアログ・ミュージアム「対話の森」ダイアログ・イン・サイレンス アテンド
小学4年で右耳を失聴、中学から高校にかけて左耳も聴力を失う。筑波技術短期大学デザイン学科卒業。在学時代、東京ディズニーランドのバリアフリー研究をしたことがきっかけで「ユニバーサルデザイン」を人生のテーマとする。(株)オリエンタルランド等を経てフリーランスへ。聞こえる世界、聞こえない世界両方を知る立場から講演、大学講師、執筆等を中心に、分かりやすい情報の伝え方やコミュニケーション、利用しやすいモノやサービスのアドバイスを行う。さらに2017年には日本初となる、音のない世界で言葉の壁を超えた対話を楽しむエンターテイメント「ダイアログ・イン・サイレンス」の企画監修およびアテンドを行うなど活躍の場を拡げている。強みは「聞こえないこと」。Universal design adviser who connects the world of audibleness and the world of inaudibleness
Director of International Association for Universal Design (IAUD)When she was in the 4th grade, she lost her hearing of right ear.
She also lost her hearing of left ear during her junior high and high school days.
She graduated from design department, Tsukuba junior college.
When she was a college student, she did her research on barrier-free in Disneyland, which provided a sparkle for her to hold universal design as life theme.
After working for Oriental Land Co., Ltd., she became a free lancer.From the standpoint of knowing the world of both audibleness and inaudibleness, she mainly gives lectures, works as a university lecturer, and engages in writing activities. She also gives advice on how to convey easy-to-understand information, communication, accessible things and services.
And for the first time in Japan in 2017, she organized and supervise “dialogue in silence“ and worked as a caretaker there with expanding her activities.
“Dialogue in silence“ is an entertainment people can enjoy dialogue rising across the language barrier in a silent world.
Her strength is “not being able to hear.“ -
ALISSA MIKY三木 アリッサMisaky.Tokyo Co-Founder / CEOALISSA MIKY三木 アリッサMisaky.Tokyo Co-Founder / CEO
Forbes Japan 「地球で耀く女性100人」最年少選抜(2018)/ Business Insider Japan 「Game Changer 2019」選出メンバーの一人。
1992年NY生まれ。アーティストとして受賞歴も多く活躍する母親が、ビジネス面では苦戦している姿を幼い頃から見ており、アーティストや職人が経済的にも豊かになるような世界をつくるべく起業家を目指す。早稲田大学法学部在籍中にプリザーブドフラワー専門ブランド立ち上げに参画し、楽天ナンバーワンブランドに成長させ、卒業後外資系メーカーにて初の学部卒マーケターとして参画しCRMを担当。その後、日本酒ベンチャーで新ブランド立ち上げや、藤巻百貨店の新規事業立ち上げに寄与。また、イスラエル専門商社にて、新規事業開発マネージャーとして、過去最高売上を半年で達成。2019年に「MISAKY.TOKYO」を共同創業。1億9千万人超のインスタグラムのフォロワーを持ち、米国を代表するセレブリティである”キム・カーダシアン”が手掛けるフレグランスブランド「KKW Fragrance」とのコラボレーションやシュレックなど手がける「ドリームワークス」本社での販売他、TikTokのフォロワー12万人を持つなど、創業1年わずかながらアメリカで実績をつけている。https://misaky.tokyo/
Forbes Japan 100 Top Women Youngest awardee 2018 / Business Insider Japan Game Changer 2019
A social entrepreneur born in New York in 1992. She experienced 9/11 at the age of 9. Three days later, when she was waiting for an airplane to Japan at JFK Airport, she felt relief once she received a small candy from the Red Cross. After that, she founded “Misaky.Tokyo” with the desire to make people happy and improve the world with the sweets business. The main product is called “Crystal Treats,” which has a shareable concept. They are made from seaweed, vegan, gluten-free, and non-colored, so people with and without dietary restrictions can enjoy the sweets together. Not to mention, the Crystal Treats are infused with the world’s food cultures; they are designed for people all over the world to eat with peace of mind. As a business, we hire people who are socially vulnerable such as single mothers. They have a hard time looking for jobs, so we help them gain skills in the kitchen, and we support them to become independent and build their careers in the future.
*Collaboration with Kim Kardashian’s brand “KKW Fregrance”
*Sold at DreamWorks Headquarters (only 10 external companies can enter)
*TikTok: 120K followershttps://misaky.tokyo/
GEN MURAI村井 弦(株)文藝春秋 文藝春秋digital プロジェクトマネージャーGEN MURAI村井 弦(株)文藝春秋 文藝春秋digital プロジェクトマネージャー
「文藝春秋digital」プロジェクトマネージャー。東京都生まれ。神奈川県立多摩高校、早稲田大学卒業。2011年4月に株式会社文藝春秋に入社。「週刊文春」編集部に配属。全聾(ぜんろう)の作曲家ともてはやされた佐村河内守にゴーストライターがいたことを暴いた「全聾の作曲家はペテン師だった!」などの記事を担当した。2015年7月、「文藝春秋」編集部。「許永中の告白『イトマン事件の真実』」、「自殺・近畿財務局職員父親の慟哭手記 息子は改ざんを許せなかった」などの記事を担当。2019年7月から現職。
Gen Murai is the project manager of Bungeishunju digital. Born in Tokyo, he graduated from Kanagawa Prefectural Tama High School and Waseda University. He joined Bungeishunju Ltd. in April 2011 and was assigned to the editorial department of the Weekly Bunshun magazine. His previous works include revealing all-deaf composer Mamoru Samurakawachi’s a ghostwriter. Assigned to the editorial department in Bungeishunju Ltd in July 2015, and he is in the current position since July 2017.
Since Yumiko joined OECD in 2013 as the head of OECD Tokyo Centre, she has been at the forefront of policy discussions between OECD and governments, businesses and academia in Japan and Asia, covering a wide range of economic policy issues. She has been leading discussions with various stake holders in Japan and Asia, particularly in the areas of Corporate Governance, tax guidelines, gender diversity, education, international trade and innovation. Prior to joining the OECD, Yumiko held a number of leadership positions as a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse. Yumiko has diverse professional experiences, ranging from banking in New York and London to UN Peace Keep Operations in Cambodia. Yumiko has an MBA from Harvard University, MA from Stanford University and BA from Sophia University. She sits on the Japan Advisory Board of Harvard Business School as well as several advisory committees of the Japanese Government. She is the author of a bestseller book, “Turning Demographic Challenges into Economic Opportunities”. (Japanese only) Ranked #1 at Amazon Japan, economics category.
MOHAMED ABDINモハメド・アブディン参天製薬株式会社 CSR室グローバルインクルージョン戦略企画担当MOHAMED ABDINモハメド・アブディン参天製薬株式会社 CSR室グローバルインクルージョン戦略企画担当
SEIJI YASUBUCHI安渕 聖司アクサ生命保険株式会社 代表取締役社長兼CEOSEIJI YASUBUCHI安渕 聖司アクサ生命保険株式会社 代表取締役社長兼CEO
1979年に三菱商事(株)に入社し、1999年米国の投資ファンド,リップルウッド日本法人、2001年UBS証券会社を経て,2006年GEコマーシャル・ファイナンス・アジアに上級副社長として入社,2007年GEコマーシャル・ファイナンス・ ジャパン社長兼CEOに就任,2009年,GEキャピタル・ジャパン社長兼CEOを経て,2017年ビザ・ワールドワイド・ジャパン(株)代表取締役社長に就任。2019年にアクサ・ホールディングス・ジャパン(株)及びアクサ生命保険(株)の代表取締役社長兼CEOに就任。アクサの日本における保険3社(アクサ生命保険,アクサダイレクト生命保険,アクサ損害保険)の事業を統括。早稲田大学政治経済学部卒。ハーバード大学経営大学院卒。
Joined Mitsubishi Corporation in 1979, worked for US investment fund Ripplewood Japan in 1999, and UBS Securities Company in 2001. Joined GE Commercial Finance Asia in 2006 as Senior Vice President, 2007 GE Commercial Appointed President and CEO of Finance Japan, and after serving as President and CEO of GE Capital Japan in 2009, he became the President and Representative Director of Visa Worldwide Japan Co., Ltd. in 2017. In 2019, he became president and CEO of AXA Holdings Japan Co., Ltd. and AXA Life Insurance Co., Ltd. He oversees the business of AXA’s three insurance companies in Japan (AXA Life Insurance, AXA Direct Life Insurance, and AXA General Insurance). Graduated from Waseda University Faculty of Political Science and Economics and from Harvard Business School.
YUKAKO YAMAGISHI山岸 祐加子Glossy Japan 編集長/MASHING UP 編集長代理YUKAKO YAMAGISHI山岸 祐加子Glossy Japan 編集長/MASHING UP 編集長代理
広告代理店、女性誌の編集者を経て、2000年株式会社カフェグローブ・ドットコムに入社。日本の女性向けウェブメディアの草分け『cafeglobe(カフェグローブ)』(現在、MASHING UP)にて副編集長を担当。2009年、コンデナスト・ジャパンに入社し、ウェブ・エディター、プロデューサーとしてVOGUE JAPANのタイアップ、特集などを担当。2017年より(株)メディアジーンに入社し、マイロハス編集長をつとめる。
After working at an advertising agency and as an editor of a women’s magazine, Yukako joined cafeglobe.com, Inc. in 2000, where she served as deputy editor-in-chief of cafeglobe (now MASHING UP), pioneering web media for women in Japan. In 2009, she joined Condé Nast Japan and was in charge of collaboration and special feature with VOGUE JAPAN, as a web editor/producer. In 2017, she joined Mediagene, Inc. and has served as editor-in-chief of MYLOHAS.
YUKIKO YAMAGUCHI山口 有希子パナソニック コネクティッドソリューションズ社 常務・エンタープライズマーケティング本部 本部長YUKIKO YAMAGUCHI山口 有希子パナソニック コネクティッドソリューションズ社 常務・エンタープライズマーケティング本部 本部長
パナソニック株式会社コネクティッドソリューションズ社常務・エンタープライズマーケティング本部 本部長。同社のB2Bマーケティング強化に邁進している。 1991年、リクルートコスモスに入社。その後、シスコシステムズ、Yahoo! JAPAN(オーバーチュア)、日本IBMにてマーケティング管理職を歴任。2017年12月から現職。日本アドバタイザーズ協会 デジタルメディア副委員長。ACC広告賞審査員。YMCA FCSCボードメンバー。個人的に不登校児と親を支援する活動にも従事。
She has been working as a general manager of Interpre – sation Marketing Division of Panasonic Corporation and has been promoting its B2B marketing efforts since joining Ricoh Co mos in 1991. After that, JAPAN and IBM Japan She has been working as a marketing manager since December 2017. She is currently a vice chairman of the Japan Media Advisory Association and an advisor to the Japan Advisory Association and an ACC Advertising Award Judge who is a member of the YMCA FCSC Board. As well as activities to support parents.
KUNIO YAMADA山田 邦雄ロート製薬株式会社 代表取締役会長KUNIO YAMADA山田 邦雄ロート製薬株式会社 代表取締役会長
After graduating from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo in 1979, joined ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. in 1980. Graduated from Keio University Graduate School of Business Administration MBA, served as the President and Representative Director in 1999, and has been in the current position since 2009.
2019年6月〜フリーマガジン”EA magazine”の編集長として仲間と共に製作し現在2号目を2020年6月にリリース。2014 – Started her carrer as model
2019 – left the agency and working as a freelancer
Active in a wide range of fields including magazines and advertising commercials.
June 2019 – Producing the free magazine, “EA magazine” as editor-in-chief of and currently releasing the second issue in June 2020. -
Miyuu Yamamoto was educated from her elementary school age by her father Ikuei Yamamoto, Munich Olympics wrestling representative, with her younger brother Norifumi (Norifumi “KID” Yamamoto) and younger sister Seiko. After winning the 1st Japan Women’s Championship at the age of thirteen, she achieved consecutive victories in all Japan. In 1991, she won the world’s first championship which she participated for the first time at the age of seventeen as the youngest ever in history. Then she also won the world championships in 1994 and 1995. She was also featured in numerous medias for her beauty, and became a pioneering idol athlete, appearing in commercials and releasing photo collections. In 1995, she retired which was greatly missed by a number of people. After giving birth to her first son Arsen, she announced her returning to active service. She entered the Queen’s Cup Final, won the Asian Championships and won the All Japan Women’s Wrestling Championship, but in July 2000 she retired again. She later returned on the occasion that women’s wrestling becoming the official event for the first time at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Although it aimed for her Athens Olympic appearance, she finished third in the “Japan Queen’s Cup” (Athens Olympic national team selection game) in February 2004, and she could not play her Olympic appearances. Then she retired from active services in April of the same year (later returned). After giving birth to her second son in December 2012, and her first daughter in November 2008, she moved to Toronto, Canada. In December 2015, she acquired Canadian citizenship. She aimed to participate in the Rio Olympics as a Canada representative but she couldn’t. In 2016, she announced her participation in mixed martial arts. In September of the same year, she made a debut at the Rizin Fighting World Grand-Prix in Saitama Super Arena. She had a hard time at first but she achieved three consecutive victories in 2018. In 2020, she is longing for winning the title. Her present record is 6 wins out of 10 matches (March 2020).
TAKASHI YOKOISHI横石 崇&Co.,Ltd. 代表取締役 / Tokyo Work Design Week オーガナイザーTAKASHI YOKOISHI横石 崇&Co.,Ltd. 代表取締役 / Tokyo Work Design Week オーガナイザー
1978年、大阪市生まれ。多摩美術大学卒業。広告代理店、人材コンサルティング会社を経て、2016年に&Co., Ltd.を設立。ブランド開発や組織開発をはじめ、テレビ局、新聞社、出版社などとメディアサービスを手がけるプロジェクトプロデューサー。また、「六本木未来大学」アフタークラス講師を務めるなど、年間100以上の講演やワークショップを行う。毎年11月に開催している国内最大規模の働き方の祭典「Tokyo Work Design Week」は3万人の動員に成功。法政大学キャリアデザイン学部兼任講師。鎌倉のコレクティブオフィス「北条SANCI」支配人。代官山ロータリークラブ会員。米国ビジネス誌「FAST COMPANY」をはじめ国内外でアワード受賞。著書に『これからの僕らの働き方』(早川書房)、『自己紹介2.0』(KADOKAWA)がある。
He is a graduate of Tama University of Art, and is involved in editorial services such as teleservices, magazines, and portals, as well as in corporate organization development and human resource development. He conducted over 500 lectures and seminars on behalf of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and was the representative of Tokyo Work Design Week, a canfarence for new generation workers in Japan, and a collaborative office and an official of the North Star SANCI, which was opened in Kamakura. Takashi is also the auther of several books.
日本インベストメント・ファイナンス(株)(現大和企業投資)、独立系のシンクタンクを経て、1995年に(株)デジタル・マジック・ ラボ(DML)を設立。Apple、Fedex、ファミリーマート、プリンスホテルなど大手企業のWEB構築やコンサルを手がける。DMLの社長・会長を歴任し2001年退社。1999年に米国San Joseに設立した IP Infusion 社(次世代ネットワークソフトウエア開発)を創業、2006年に同社を5千万ドルでAccess 社に売却。その後、Miselu Inc. / Golden Whales Inc. (米国San Mateo)の創業者兼 CEOを経て、2019年11月に株式会社REPUBLI9を創業。著書『テクノロジーの地政学 シリコンバレーvs中国、新時代の覇者たち』(日経BP社)の共著者など