MAMETA ENDO遠藤 まめたにじーず 代表MAMETA ENDO遠藤 まめたにじーず 代表
1987年埼玉県生まれ。トランスジェンダー当事者としての自らの体験をきっかけにLGBTの子ども・若者支援に関わる。著書に「先生と親のためのLGBTガイド 〜もしあなたがカミングアウトされたなら」(合同出版)ほか。
Mameta Endo was born in 1987 in Saitama Prefecture. Spurred by his own experiences as a transgender, Mameta is involved in supporting LGBT children and youth. Mameta has written a book about LGBT Guide for Teachers and Parents.
Rino Nakashima中島 梨乃性教育プロデューサーRino Nakashima中島 梨乃性教育プロデューサー
Rino was born in 2000, in Aichi Prefecture. She has been working since high school to reduce the number of people in Japan who get hurt by unintended pregnancies, STD(sexually transmitted diseases), sex crimes, infertility, prejudice against LGBTQ+ people and other sex-related issues.
ELINA HANZAWA半澤 絵里奈電通 プロデューサーELINA HANZAWA半澤 絵里奈電通 プロデューサー
She joined Dentsu in 2009. After working in the departments of media, sales, marketing and business development, she was involved in the launch of an international conference and development of media planning. At the Dentsu Diversity Lab, she is responsible for producing projects in the area of diversity and inclusion in reference to her experience of being in a diverse environment from childhood, and is the editor-in-chief of the web magazine “cococolor”. She is a co-founder and president of CancerX (Collective Impact Project for Solving Cancer-related Social Issues) and a producer of web service “Learning with Children, Home Channel” which she established due to the pandemic. Born in Hong Kong in 1984.