NATSUKO IZENA伊是名 夏子コラムニストNATSUKO IZENA伊是名 夏子コラムニスト
コラムニスト、1982年生。沖縄生まれ、沖縄育ち、神奈川県在住。東京新聞・中日新聞「障害者は四つ葉のクローバー」を連載中。 骨の弱い障害「骨形成不全症」で電動車いすを使用。身長100cm、体重20kgとコンパクト。右耳が聞こえない。5歳と7歳の子育てを、総勢15人のヘルパーやボランティアに支えながらこなす。 早稲田大学卒業、香川大学大学院修了。アメリカ、デンマークに留学。那覇市小学校英語指導員を経て結婚。 「助け合う」をテーマに16歳からの講演は100回以上。ファッションショーや舞台でも活躍中。 好きなことは、パンダ、体と環境にいいこと、性教育。著書に『ママは身長100cm(ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン)』。
Natsuko Izena is a columnist who born and raised in Okinawa and currently lives in Kanagawa Prefecture. She writes a series of articles in the Tokyo Shimbun and the Chunichi Shimbun entitled “syougaisya ha yotsuba no clover [The Disabled are Four Leaf Clovers]”. She is an electric wheelchair user because of her osteogenesis imperfecta, who is 100cm tall and 20kg wight with right ear hearing loss. She raises two children, age 5 and 7, with the 15 helpers and volunteers. She graduated from Waseda University and graduate school of Kagawa University, has also studied abroad in the United States and Denmark. After working as an English instructor at the Naha City elementary school, she got married. She has given more than 100 lectures on the topic of “”helping each other”” since she was 16 years old. She is also active in fashion shows and on stage. She loves pandas, doing good for the body and the environment, and sex education. She is the author of “Mama ha shincho 100cm [Mama is 100cm Tall]”” (Discover Twenty One).
YUKI TAKEDA武田 友紀HSP専門カウンセラーYUKI TAKEDA武田 友紀HSP専門カウンセラー
Yuki Takeda is a counselor specializing in HSP. She is an HSP herself as well.
Graduated from the engineering department of Kyushu University. After working in research and development at a major manufacturer, she became an independent counselor.
In 2015, when HSP was not well known in Japan, she launched her website “Sensai no mori [Sensitive Forest]” to provide advice on how to choose jobs and relationships based on actual counseling from HSPs.
The counseling and career aptitude tests, which are based on the HSP’s temperament, have been well received, and more than 700 HSPs from all over Japan have come to consult with her.
She has written a book that describes how HSPs can live comfortably, has been well received, and has appeared on radio and TV to raise awareness of HSPs.
In addition to writing about HSP, she also gives lectures and talks about events.
HIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata株式会社 CCOHIROKO NAKAMURA中村 寛子fermata株式会社 CCO
グローバルデジタルマーケティングカンファレンス、ad:tech/iMedia Summitを主催している。dmg::events Japan 株式会社に入社し、6年間主にコンテンツプログラムの責任者として従事。2015年にmash-inc.設立。女性エンパワメントを軸にジェンダー、年齢、働き方、健康の問題などまわりにある見えない障壁を多彩なセッションやワークショップを通じて解き明かすダイバーシティ推進のビジネスカンファレンス「MASHING UP」を企画プロデュースし、2018年からカンファレンスを展開している。
Hiroko is the organizer of the global digital marketing conference, ad:tech/iMedia Summit. She joined dmg::events Japan inc. where she was primarily responsible for content programs for six years. She founded mash-inc. in 2015. She designed and produced MASHING UP, a business conference promoting diversity that unravels the invisible barriers around genders, ages, working styles, and health issues with a focus on women’s empowerment through a variety of sessions and workshops, and has been running the conference since 2018.