AKIHIRO AOYAMA青山 明弘ピープルポート株式会社 代表取締役社長AKIHIRO AOYAMA青山 明弘ピープルポート株式会社 代表取締役社長
1990年生まれ。神奈川県出身。慶應義塾大学法学部卒。祖父母から戦争の話を聞いて育ち、「自分の大切な人が理不尽に奪われる戦争・紛争」に課題意識を持つようになる。カンボジアで、内戦経験者へインタビューした事をきっかけに、ソーシャルビジネスでの戦争・紛争解決、および被害者の支援を志す。新卒で株式会社ボーダレス・ジャパンに入社。東京のボーダレスハウス事業部で1年半、その後ボーダレスハウス台湾支店の立ち上げへ。2年で黒字化し、帰国後日本へ逃れてきた難民のために、ピープルポート株式会社を創業。環境負荷ゼロ、難民ゼロを目指すエシカルパソコン「ZERO PC」の販売を通じて、事業の拡大を図っている。
The founder and CEO of People Port Inc.
Akihiro Aoyama is the founder and CEO of People Port Inc. He was born in 1990 in Kanagawa Prefecture and graduated from the Faculty of Law at Keio University. Growing up listening to war stories from his grandparents, Akihiro became aware of the issues of war and conflict where people’s loved ones are unfairly taken away from them. His experience of interviewing civil war survivors in Cambodia led him to become involved in the social business of resolving war and conflict as well as supporting victims. He joined Borderless Japan upon graduation from university. After a year and a half in Tokyo, he set up the Taiwan office of Borderless House, which became profitable within two years, and after returning to Japan, he founded People Port Inc. for refugees who fled to Japan. He aims to expand his business by selling ZERO PC, an ethical PC that aims to achieve zero human impact on the environment, and zero refugees.
FUMIKO ICHIKAWA市川 文子株式会社リ・パブリック 共同代表FUMIKO ICHIKAWA市川 文子株式会社リ・パブリック 共同代表
慶應義塾大学大学院政策メディア研究科修了。慶應義塾大学大学院にて修士課程修了後、フィンランドに渡航。通信系メーカーノキアに入社し世界各国でのリサーチを起点としてさまざまな製品やサービスの開発に従事。博報堂イノベーションラボを経て、2013年シンク(Think) &ドゥ(Do)タンク、株式会社リ・パブリックを創設。地域や組織における持続可能なイノベーションのためのプロジェクトを多数手がける。監訳に「シリアルイノベーター~非シリコンバレー型イノベーションの流儀」。2019年トランスローカルマガジン「MOMENT」発行。2019年からはサーキュラーデザインカンパニー株式会社fog取締役を兼務。
Fumiko Ichikawa is a managing director and co-founder of Re:public Inc. Graduated from the Graduate School of Media and Governance at Keio University, she joined Nokia in Finland, a telecoms manufacturer, where she was engaged in research and development of various products and services around the world. After working at Hakuhodo Innovation Lab, she founded Re:public Inc., Think & Do Tank, in 2013. She has been involved in numerous projects for sustainable innovation in communities and organizations. She has supervised a translation of the book. Also published a magazine in 2019. Fumiko is also the board of directors of fog, the Circular Design Company, Inc. since 2019.
TOMOAKI KAGEYAMA影山 知明クルミドコーヒー/胡桃堂喫茶店TOMOAKI KAGEYAMA影山 知明クルミドコーヒー/胡桃堂喫茶店
著書に『ゆっくり、いそげ ~カフェからはじめる人を手段化しない経済~』(大和書房)。
『続・ゆっくり、いそげ ~植物が育つように、いのちの形をした経済・社会をつくる~』(査読版、クルミド出版)。Tomoaki Kageyama is an owner of Kurumed Coffee. Born in 1973 in Nishikokubunji, Tokyo. After graduating from university, he joined a management consulting company and participated in the establishment of a venture capital firm. In 2008, he started Festinalente Inc. and rebuilt his birthplace in Nishikokubunji to open “Mage Nishikokubunji”, a multi-generational share house, and “Kurumido Coffee” on the first floor of the building. In 2017, Kurumido Coffee Shop was opened as a second shop. He is also involved in publishing, bookstore business, philosophical café, university, rice farming, and community currency. He is also the author of several books.
SHIN KIKUCHI菊池 紳いきものCo.代表取締役SHIN KIKUCHI菊池 紳いきものCo.代表取締役
インパクト・インキュベーター『チキュウ(chiQ)』や農産流通プラットフォーム『SEND(センド)』の創業者。農林漁業・食料、生物・資源・生態系と共にある社会づくりを手掛ける。いきものCo.代表 / 慶應義塾大学SFC研究所 上席研究員 / 農林水産省生物多様性戦略 検討委員ほか。グッドデザイン金賞など。
Shin Kikuchi is an entrepreneur and business designer working in the food, agricultural, livestock, fisheries, and bio-resource sectors, best known as the founder of the agricultural distribution platform “SEND”. He is also a representative of Iki-mono Co, a senior officer at Keio Research Institute at SFC, and a member of The Biodiversity Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. He has received many awards including the Good Design Gold Award and Forbes Award.