YOSHIAKI ISHII石井 芳明内閣府 企画官YOSHIAKI ISHII石井 芳明内閣府 企画官
経済産業省にてベンチャー政策、中小企業政策等に従事。LLC/LLP法制、日本ベンチャー大賞、始動 Next Innovator、J-Startupなど各種プログラムの創設を担当。2018年より現職でスタートアップ・エコシステム形成、オープンイノベーションの推進を担当。早稲田大学大学院商学研究科 博士(商学)
Yoshiaki has been working on venture policies and Small and Medium Enterprise Agency at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). He was in charge of establishing various projects such as LLC/LLP legislation, the Nippon Venture Awards, Startup Next Innovator, J-Startup, etc. Since 2018, he has been in his current position to form Startup Ecosystem and promote open innovation. He holds Ph.D., Graduate school of Commerce, Waseda University.
MIKIKO ITO伊藤 美希子ベストインクラスプロデューサーズ マーケティングプロデューサー / 一般社団法人邑サポートMIKIKO ITO伊藤 美希子ベストインクラスプロデューサーズ マーケティングプロデューサー / 一般社団法人邑サポート
Mikiko joined a general advertising agency in 2005, where she belonged to Planning Department and Digital Marketing Department. In 2012, she joined Tsunagu Inc. and in 2016 joined Best in Class Producers, Inc.(BICP), where she has supported clients’ marketing strategies and activities as a marketing producer/planner. She has been volunteering in Suimita Town, Iwate Prefecture, since 2011 to support the temporary housing community, and was a board member of U-Support, a general incorporated association, from 2014 to 2018. She currently continues to travel back and forth between Iwate and Tokyo as a staff member of U-Supoort, working for BICP at the some time. Mikiko calls herself “Warajist”, who wears two warajis (Japanese traditional shoes made of straw) which means a double-jobber, and a remote worker in Sumita Town.
AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院 早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授AKIE IRIYAMA入山 章栄早稲田大学大学院 早稲田大学ビジネススクール 教授
「Strategic Management Journal」「Journal of International Business Studies」など国際的な主要経営学術誌に論文を多数発表。
『ビジネススクールでは学べない 世界最先端の経営学』(日経BP社) 他Akie graduated from the Faculty of Economics at Keio University and completed his master’s degree at the Graduate School of Economics of Keio University. After working mainly for automobile manufactures and domestic and international government agencies in research and consulting work at Mitsubishi Research Institute, he got Ph.D from graduate business school of the University of Pittsburgh(Katz), US in 2008. He has been an assistant professor of the business school at the State University of New York at Buffalo since 2008, and an associate professor at the Waseda University School of Business since 2013. Since 2019, he has been in his current position.He has published numerous articles in major international journals on management such as Strategic Management Journal and Journal of International Business Studies. He is also the author of several books.
Rina Nagaoka永岡 里菜株式会社おてつたび 代表取締役 CEORina Nagaoka永岡 里菜株式会社おてつたび 代表取締役 CEO
日経ソーシャルビジネスコンテスト優秀賞 / セイノーホールディング株式会社主催「地方創生ビジネスプランコンテスト」最優秀賞受賞 / 女性起業チャレンジコンテスト グランプリ受賞Rina Nagaoka was born in Owase, Mie Prefecture in 1990. After graduating from Chiba University, she worked at a PR and event planning and production company and launched a Japanese food promotion project with the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. In July 2018, she founded Otetsutabi Inc. with her intention of creating a system to bring people to seemingly empty areas like her hometown. Otetsutabi web platform matches business (such as lodging facilities, farmers, etc.) that are in trouble due to short term or seasonal labor shortages and young people from outside the region who are interested in going to unknown regions. Their goal is to create a world where anyone can work and travel easily in an unfamiliar places and create a special area for them.