ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子株式会社プロノバ 代表取締役社長ETSUKO OKAJIMA岡島 悦子株式会社プロノバ 代表取締役社長
経営チーム強化コンサルタント、ヘッドハンター、リーダー育成のプロ。年間200名超の経営者のリーダーシップ開発を行う。三菱商事、ハーバードMBA、マッキンゼー、グロービス・グループを経て、2007年プロノバ設立。丸井グループ、セプテーニ・ホールディングス、ユーグレナ、マネーフォワード、ランサーズ、ヤプリにて社外取締役。世界経済フォーラムから「Young Global Leaders 2007」に選出。著書に『40歳が社長になる日』(幻冬舎)他
Etsuko Okajima is a consultant specializing in management team, a headhunter, an expert in human resource development. She works with over 200 executives annually on their leadership development. After working at Mitsubishi Corporation, she received an MBA from Harvard University. Then, after working at McKinsey and the Globis Group, she founded Pronova in 2007. She has also served as an outside director of Marui Group, Septeni Holdings, Euglena, MoneyForward, Lancers and Yappli. The World Economic Forum chose her as Young Global Leaders 2007.She is the author of several books.
Hirotada Ototake was born in 1976 in Tokyo. When he was a student at Waseda University, he wrote a book about himself. To date, over 6 million copies have been sold. After graduating, he worked as a sportswriter. Later, he served as an elementary school teacher and a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education. He currently hosts “AbemaPrime” as an MC. In November of last year, his book which describes the entirety of the prosthetic leg project was released.
FUMINO SUGIYAMA杉山 文野NPO法人東京レインボープライド 共同代表理事FUMINO SUGIYAMA杉山 文野NPO法人東京レインボープライド 共同代表理事
Born in Tokyo in 1981. Former Japanese women’s national fencing player. Transgendered. Graduated with a master’s degree from the Graduate School of Education at Waseda University. Fumino spent two years backpacking in 50 countries and Antarctica, where Fumino confronted a variety of social issues.
Fumino is a co-chairman of Tokyo Rainbow Pride, the largest LGBT pride parade in Japan, and was involved in the establishment of Japan’s first same-sex partnership ordinance in Shibuya City. Currently, Fumino is a father of one child and is struggling to raise children.