Miyuu Yamamoto was educated from her elementary school age by her father Ikuei Yamamoto, Munich Olympics wrestling representative, with her younger brother Norifumi (Norifumi “KID” Yamamoto) and younger sister Seiko. After winning the 1st Japan Women’s Championship at the age of thirteen, she achieved consecutive victories in all Japan. In 1991, she won the world’s first championship which she participated for the first time at the age of seventeen as the youngest ever in history. Then she also won the world championships in 1994 and 1995. She was also featured in numerous medias for her beauty, and became a pioneering idol athlete, appearing in commercials and releasing photo collections. In 1995, she retired which was greatly missed by a number of people. After giving birth to her first son Arsen, she announced her returning to active service. She entered the Queen’s Cup Final, won the Asian Championships and won the All Japan Women’s Wrestling Championship, but in July 2000 she retired again. She later returned on the occasion that women’s wrestling becoming the official event for the first time at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Although it aimed for her Athens Olympic appearance, she finished third in the “Japan Queen’s Cup” (Athens Olympic national team selection game) in February 2004, and she could not play her Olympic appearances. Then she retired from active services in April of the same year (later returned). After giving birth to her second son in December 2012, and her first daughter in November 2008, she moved to Toronto, Canada. In December 2015, she acquired Canadian citizenship. She aimed to participate in the Rio Olympics as a Canada representative but she couldn’t. In 2016, she announced her participation in mixed martial arts. In September of the same year, she made a debut at the Rizin Fighting World Grand-Prix in Saitama Super Arena. She had a hard time at first but she achieved three consecutive victories in 2018. In 2020, she is longing for winning the title. Her present record is 6 wins out of 10 matches (March 2020).
JUN SOEJIMA副島 淳タレント・役者JUN SOEJIMA副島 淳タレント・役者
1984年生まれ。。アメリカ人と日本人とのハーフ。生まれは蒲田、育ちは千葉の浦安という、ルックスとは異なり中身は日本人。幼少期はアメリカ人の父親から受け継いだルックスが原因で壮絶なイジメを経験するがバスケットボールとの出会いが転機になる。大学時代までバスケットに没頭し、卒業後はモデルやタレントに興味を持ち雑誌中心にモデルとして活躍。2017 年4月からNHK「あさイチ」毎週火曜日クイズとくもり/ スゴ技Q プレゼンターに抜擢された。そのほかにも、キャラクターを活かし、ドラマ、バラエティー、MC、CM 等で活動中。