
Conference theme
The New Well-being
また、MASHING UPカンファレンスVol.4にご参加いただいた方限定で、各セッションのアーカイブ配信を行います。配信開始は1週間後を予定しております。参加者の皆様には後日視聴URLをお送り致しますので、今しばらくお待ち下さい。
All programs of MASHING UP Conference Vol. 4 are now finished. We would like to thank all the speakers, attendees and everyone else who helped make this event possible. We will provide archives for participants. Thank you!
インクルーシブ=包摂的であること。MASHING UPは多様な人がそれぞれに幸福に生きられる「インクルーシブな社会づくり」について考えてきました。今年リモートワークが急速に浸透し、私たちの日々の時間の使い方は大きく変化しています。これは人々が仕事の仕方やキャリア、ライフスタイルを見直し、誰もが自分にとってのWell-beingと向き合うきっかけとなったのではないでしょうか。
Well-beingについての考えを深めることは、女性のみならず、むしろそれ以外の人も含めた社会全体の幸福度や、働きやすさの改善にもつながってゆくとMASHING UPは考えています。
※MASHING UPでは、売り上げの一部をその理念に賛同する団体に寄付しています。この活動を通じて、インクルージョン推進の加速をサポートしていきます。寄付予定先:iamtheCODE
MASHING UP has been thinking about how to create an inclusive society where diverse people can live happily together. This year, remote working is rapidly becoming more prevalent and is changing the way we spend our time on a daily basis. This has caused people to rethink the way they work, their careers, and their lifestyles, and has given everyone a chance to face up to their own well-being.
We believe that creating an environment where individuals can pursue well-being is essential for a sustainable company and society.
At this year’s conference, we will discuss how to create such an environment from the perspective of work and sustainability.
By deepening our understanding of well-being, we can improve the well-being and work environment of society as a whole, not only for women, but also for other people.
* To promote the inclusion, MASHING UP will donate a part of the profits gained from the event to charity organizations. List of Charities:iamtheCODE
NICHOL BRADFORDニコール・ブラッドフォードウィローグループCEO兼創業者 / トランスフォーメーション・テクノロジー・ラボ エグゼクティブ・ディレクター兼共同創業者NICHOL BRADFORDニコール・ブラッドフォードウィローグループCEO兼創業者 / トランスフォーメーション・テクノロジー・ラボ エグゼクティブ・ディレクター兼共同創業者
ウェルビーイング・テクノロジー・科学を新境地へ、実用的に発展させるために様々な活動を行う。新しいビジョン、機会、技術を駆使したツールを創造したり、キュレーションしたりすることで、人間の成長と可能性の拡大を支援することが自身の使命と感じている。国際非営利団体を通じて、ウェルビーイング技術構築に投資。ウェルビーイングテックのファウンダー、投資家、イノベーターを教育・活性化することを目的としたグローバルエコシステム、Transformative Tech.orgを共同設立。現在では、72カ国と450都市に会員をもち、オンライン・オフラインイベントには1,000人以上の参加者を集める。同社では、精神的・感情的ウェルビーイング、社会的・感情的ウェルビーイング、人間の潜在能力とパフォーマンスのために指数関数的な技術を活用しているファウンダーに、フィードバック、資金調達等の機会を提供。また、投資家とウェルビーイング技術の創設者や企業を繋ぐ支援や、企業のイノベーターたちがこれらのツールを理解し、採用できるように支援を行う。スタンフォード大学講師。ウォートンスクールオブビジネス MBA取得。シンギュラリティ大学のグローバルソリューションプログラム参加。著書に、変革的なアフロ・フューチャー小説「The Sisterhood」。趣味は、瞑想と格闘技。
My purpose is to weave well-being, technology and science into new ground and practical possibilities for all of us. My mission is to empower humans to grow and expand by creating or curating new visions, opportunities, and tech-enabled tools for all. I do this by investing in founders who build wellbeing tech through a global non-profit.
I co-founded and built Transformative Tech.org, a global ecosystem dedicated to educating, gathering, and activating wellbeing tech founders, investors, and innovators. Today, we have members in 72 countries and 450 cities and our tentpole events online or in person attract 1K+ attendees. We help founders leveraging exponential tech for mental and emotional wellbeing, social and emotional wellness, and human potential and performance find feedback, funding, and friends. We help investors find the best wellbeing tech founders and companies. I help corporate innovators understand and apply these powerful tools.
I am a lecturer at Stanford University, have an MBA from the Wharton School of Business, and attended Singularity University’s Global Solutions program. I am a novelist and have written The Sisterhood, a work of transformative Afro-futuristic fiction. Outside of work, my two favorite activities are meditation and combat sports. -
PAYAL ARORAパヤル・アローラデジタル人類学者PAYAL ARORAパヤル・アローラデジタル人類学者
デジタル人類学者であり、受賞歴のある「The Next Billion Users」(ハーバード大学出版局)をはじめとする本の著者。また、デジタルストーリーテリング組織「Catalyst Lab」の創設者であり、欧米以外の地域における未来とAIについて考えるイニシアチブ「FemLab.Co」の共同創設者でもある。エラスムス・ロッテルダム大学で教授としてTechnology, Values & Global Media Culturesの講義を担当している。世界中の低所得者層のコミュニティにおける倫理的なAI、インクルーシブデザイン、ユーザーエクスペリエンスを専門分野とし、10年以上のフィールドワークの経験がある。フォーブス誌によって「next billion champion(次なる10億人のチャンピオン)」と称され、技術改革にふさわしい人物と評価された。BBC、The Economist、Quartz、Tech Crunch、The Boston Globe、F.A.Z、The Nation、CBCなど、国際的なメディアによっても活動が取り上げられている。ユネスコ、KPMG、GE、HPなどの技術革新に関するコンサルティングを行っており、インターネットの未来について、TEDx講演を含め、世界54カ国で200以上の講演を行っている。コロンビア大学地球研究所やニューヨークのWorld Women Global Councilなどで役員を務める。インド人、アメリカ人、アイルランド人であり、現在はアムステルダムに在住。
Payal Arora is a digital anthropologist and author of several books including the award-winning “The Next Billion Users” with Harvard Press. She is the founder of a digital storytelling organization Catalyst Lab and co-founder of FemLab.Co, an initiative on AI & the future of work outside the West. She holds the title of Professor and Chair in Technology, Values and Global Media Cultures at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her expertise lies in ethical AI, inclusive design and user experience among low-income communities worldwide and comes with more than a decade of fieldwork in such contexts. Forbes named her the “next billion champion” and the right kind of person to reform tech. Several international media outlets have covered her work including the BBC, The Economist, Quartz, Tech Crunch, The Boston Globe, F.A.Z, The Nation and CBC. She has consulted on tech innovation for diverse organizations such as UNESCO, KPMG, GE, and HP and has given more than 200 presentations in 54 countries including a TEDx talk on the future of the internet. She sits on several boards such as Columbia University Earth Institute and World Women Global Council in New York. She is Indian, American, and Irish and currently lives in Amsterdam.
MARIÉME JAMMEマリエム・ジャムiamtheCODE 創設者MARIÉME JAMMEマリエム・ジャムiamtheCODE 創設者
セネガル生まれの英国人起業家、プログラマー、ブロガー。幼い頃孤児となり体系的な教育を受けられず、16歳で保護施設に入ってから独学でプログラミングなどを学ぶ。IT関連のコンサルティング会社Spotone Global Solutions、SDGs達成のためのデータ収集を促す。Accur8Africa、女子のデジタル教育を推進するiamtheCODEを設立。2017年にはユニセフとビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団がSDGs達成に貢献した人物に贈るGlobal Goals Awardを受賞。TEDxなどでデジタル教育や女性エンパワメントについての講演多数。
Mariéme is a Senegalese-born, French-British businesswoman. She experienced considerable hardship during her childhood and did not have a formative education until the age of 16. She reinvented and learned how to code seven programming languages from her local library and kitchen. She is the CEO of Spotone Global Solutions,an IT consulting firm and Accur8Africa, which facilitates accurate data collection for SDG achievement. Also launched iamtheCODE.org, the first African-led global movement to mobilize government, the private sector, and philanthropic foundations to advance STEAMD Education. Also Mariéme is a Board of Director of World Wide Web Foundation, which established to promote a free and open web to the world, and in 2017 received the Global Goals Award from UNICEF and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for her contributions to achieving the SDGs. She has given many talks about digital education and women’s empowerment at TEDx and other conferences.
NATSUKO IZENA伊是名 夏子コラムニストNATSUKO IZENA伊是名 夏子コラムニスト
コラムニスト、1982年生。沖縄生まれ、沖縄育ち、神奈川県在住。東京新聞・中日新聞「障害者は四つ葉のクローバー」を連載中。 骨の弱い障害「骨形成不全症」で電動車いすを使用。身長100cm、体重20kgとコンパクト。右耳が聞こえない。5歳と7歳の子育てを、総勢15人のヘルパーやボランティアに支えながらこなす。 早稲田大学卒業、香川大学大学院修了。アメリカ、デンマークに留学。那覇市小学校英語指導員を経て結婚。 「助け合う」をテーマに16歳からの講演は100回以上。ファッションショーや舞台でも活躍中。 好きなことは、パンダ、体と環境にいいこと、性教育。著書に『ママは身長100cm(ディスカヴァー・トゥエンティワン)』。
Natsuko Izena is a columnist who born and raised in Okinawa and currently lives in Kanagawa Prefecture. She writes a series of articles in the Tokyo Shimbun and the Chunichi Shimbun entitled “syougaisya ha yotsuba no clover [The Disabled are Four Leaf Clovers]”. She is an electric wheelchair user because of her osteogenesis imperfecta, who is 100cm tall and 20kg wight with right ear hearing loss. She raises two children, age 5 and 7, with the 15 helpers and volunteers. She graduated from Waseda University and graduate school of Kagawa University, has also studied abroad in the United States and Denmark. After working as an English instructor at the Naha City elementary school, she got married. She has given more than 100 lectures on the topic of “”helping each other”” since she was 16 years old. She is also active in fashion shows and on stage. She loves pandas, doing good for the body and the environment, and sex education. She is the author of “Mama ha shincho 100cm [Mama is 100cm Tall]”” (Discover Twenty One).
YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス株式会社 CSR・SDGs推進室 副室長 / セガサミービジネスサポート株式会社 代表取締役社長YUKA ICHIKI一木 裕佳セガサミーホールディングス株式会社 CSR・SDGs推進室 副室長 / セガサミービジネスサポート株式会社 代表取締役社長
Deputy General Manager of CSR/SDGs Promotion Office, Sega Sammy Holdings Corporation / President and CEO, Sega Sammy Business Support Corporation
After serving as a secretary to the President of Tama University, Yuka Ichiki worked at Pasona Inc. where she was in charge of reconstruction projects after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. After that, she joined Namco Inc. (now NAMCO BANDAI ENTERTAINMENT INC.) and launched industry-government-academia collaboration business and educational business where she developed a textbook for elementary school students in 2011, which became an unprecedented hit. She then spent six years as General Manager of the New Business Division. She launched a game method consulting business and a venture collaboration project to utilize the talents of game creators in other fields. After serving as a director of NAMCO BANDAI WILL, a special subsidiary for employing people with disabilities, she was appointed to her current position in April 2020. She has been promoting CSR and SDGs in the Entertainment Group, and in the area of diversity, in particular, she has been promoting measures to employ and promote understanding of people with disabilities as a representative of a special subsidiary. She has also been involved in volunteer activities such as supporting people with disabilities for many years.
MAMETA ENDO遠藤 まめたにじーず 代表MAMETA ENDO遠藤 まめたにじーず 代表
1987年埼玉県生まれ。トランスジェンダー当事者としての自らの体験をきっかけにLGBTの子ども・若者支援に関わる。著書に「先生と親のためのLGBTガイド 〜もしあなたがカミングアウトされたなら」(合同出版)ほか。
Mameta Endo was born in 1987 in Saitama Prefecture. Spurred by his own experiences as a transgender, Mameta is involved in supporting LGBT children and youth. Mameta has written a book about LGBT Guide for Teachers and Parents.
ASAKO OSAKI大崎 麻子We Empower ナショナルコーディネーターASAKO OSAKI大崎 麻子We Empower ナショナルコーディネーター
米コロンビア大学国際公共政策大学院で国際関係修士号取得後、国連開発計画(UNDP)に入局。途上国のジェンダー平等と女性のエンパワーメントの推進を担当し、世界各地で女子教育、雇用・起業、政治参加の促進のプロジェクトを実施した。現在は、フリーの専門家として、国内外で幅広く活動中。東日本大震災後の被災地での女性支援を機に、日本国内のジェンダー平等推進にも取り組んでいる。内閣府男女共同参画推進連携会議有識者議員、G20の民間エンゲージメントグループであるW20(Women 20)運営委員、G7諸国の「職場におけるジェンダー平等推進」を目的とするUN Women、ILO、EU協調プロジェクト「We Empower」の日本コーディネーターなどを務めている。著書に『女の子の幸福論 もっと輝く明日からの生き方』(講談社)、『エンパワーメント 働くミレニアル女子が身につけたい力』(経済界)。
Asako Osaki is a policy and advocacy expert specializing in gender equality and empowerment of women and girls. After receiving an M.A. from Columbia University in international affairs, she joined U.N. Development Programme (UNDP) and served as the program manager in charge of promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in developing countries. Since her return to Tokyo, she has been active in mainstreaming gender in Japan’s policies and programs, both those of domestic and overseas assistance, working with government, international organizations, NGOs, and municipalities. She now serves as Japan’s National Director for We Empower, a joint project of UN Women, ILO and EU that aims to promote gender equality in workplace in G7 countries, as well as Director of Plan International Japan.
Hirotada Ototake was born in 1976 in Tokyo. When he was a student at Waseda University, he wrote a book about himself. To date, over 6 million copies have been sold. After graduating, he worked as a sportswriter. Later, he served as an elementary school teacher and a member of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Board of Education. He currently hosts “AbemaPrime” as an MC. In November of last year, his book which describes the entirety of the prosthetic leg project was released.
NANA KUSAKABE日下部 奈々ソフトバンク株式会社 SDGs推進室NANA KUSAKABE日下部 奈々ソフトバンク株式会社 SDGs推進室
She joined SOFTBANK in 2004. She was in charge of hiring new graduates and mid-career employees, launching the “SoftBank University,” a human resource development institution, identifying and training leaders in next-generation, talent management and diversity promotion, including the “SoftBank Academia.” She is currently assigned to the SDGs Promotion Office that formulates and promotes SDGs strategies, communicates with external parties, and internal penetration measures.
KEIKO KOJIMA小島 慶子エッセイスト/タレントKEIKO KOJIMA小島 慶子エッセイスト/タレント
自身の経験を通じて、病気や障害についても積極的に発信している。2014年より、オーストラリア・パースに教育移住。夫と二人の息子はオーストラリアで生活し、自身は日本に仕事のベースを置いて、日豪を行き来している。Born in Australia in 1972.
She spent her childhood in Singapore and Hong Kong in addition to Japan.
Joined TBS in 1995 after graduating from the Department of Political Science, Faculty of Law, Gakushuin University. Appeared on TV and radio as an announcer. In 1999, she got the 36th Galaxy DJ Personality Award.
She has long been involved in creating in-house systems related to work-life balance.
After leaving the company in 2010, she has appeared in various media, and has been energetically writing and giving lectures. Publishes many serials such as “AERA”, “VERY”, “Nikkei ARIA”, and “withnews”.
She has written many books too.
Currently, as a visiting researcher at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo, she also holds symposiums on media and journalism.She announced that experienced eating disorders in her teens to 20s, anxiety disorders in 30s, and was diagnosed with mild ADHD, which is one of the developmental disorders, after she was 40 years old.
Through her own experience, she actively communicates about illnesses and disabilities.
From 2014, she moved to Perth, Australia for education.
Her husband and two sons live in Australia, and they have their own work base in Japan and she travels between Japan and Australia. -
HARUAKI DEGUCHI出口 治明立命館アジア太平洋大学 (APU) 学長 / 学校法人立命館副総長・理事HARUAKI DEGUCHI出口 治明立命館アジア太平洋大学 (APU) 学長 / 学校法人立命館副総長・理事
1948年、三重県生まれ。京都大学法学部卒業後、日本生命保険相互会社入社。ロンドン現地法人社長、国際業務部長などを歴任。2005年に東京大学総長室アドバイザー、2007年に早稲田大学大学院講師を経て、2008年にライフネット生命を開業。2017年に代表取締役会長を退任後、2018年1月より現職。『「教える」ということ 日本を救う、[尖った人]を増やすには』(KADOKAWA)、『人生を面白くする 本物の教養』(幻冬舎新書)、『僕が大切にしてきた仕事の超基本50』 (朝日新聞出版)、『「おいしい人生」を生きるための授業』 (PHP研究所)、『知的生産術』 (日本実業出版社)など著書多数。
Haruaki Deguchi is the trustee, vice-chancellor, and president of the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University. He was born in Mie prefecture in 1948. After completing a Bachelor of Law at Kyoto University, he joined Nippon Life Insurance Company, served as president of the London office and head of international operations. Having served as an advisor to the President Office of the Tokyo University in 2005 and as a lecturer at the Graduate School of Waseda University in 2007, he started Lifenet Insurance company in 2008. After retiring as chairman of the board in 2017, he has been in his current position since January 2018. He is the author of many books.
ELINA HANZAWA半澤 絵里奈電通 プロデューサーELINA HANZAWA半澤 絵里奈電通 プロデューサー
She joined Dentsu in 2009. After working in the departments of media, sales, marketing and business development, she was involved in the launch of an international conference and development of media planning. At the Dentsu Diversity Lab, she is responsible for producing projects in the area of diversity and inclusion in reference to her experience of being in a diverse environment from childhood, and is the editor-in-chief of the web magazine “cococolor”. She is a co-founder and president of CancerX (Collective Impact Project for Solving Cancer-related Social Issues) and a producer of web service “Learning with Children, Home Channel” which she established due to the pandemic. Born in Hong Kong in 1984.
MOHAMED ABDINモハメド・アブディン参天製薬株式会社 CSR室グローバルインクルージョン戦略企画担当MOHAMED ABDINモハメド・アブディン参天製薬株式会社 CSR室グローバルインクルージョン戦略企画担当
2019年6月〜フリーマガジン”EA magazine”の編集長として仲間と共に製作し現在2号目を2020年6月にリリース。2014 – Started her carrer as model
2019 – left the agency and working as a freelancer
Active in a wide range of fields including magazines and advertising commercials.
June 2019 – Producing the free magazine, “EA magazine” as editor-in-chief of and currently releasing the second issue in June 2020. -
Miyuu Yamamoto was educated from her elementary school age by her father Ikuei Yamamoto, Munich Olympics wrestling representative, with her younger brother Norifumi (Norifumi “KID” Yamamoto) and younger sister Seiko. After winning the 1st Japan Women’s Championship at the age of thirteen, she achieved consecutive victories in all Japan. In 1991, she won the world’s first championship which she participated for the first time at the age of seventeen as the youngest ever in history. Then she also won the world championships in 1994 and 1995. She was also featured in numerous medias for her beauty, and became a pioneering idol athlete, appearing in commercials and releasing photo collections. In 1995, she retired which was greatly missed by a number of people. After giving birth to her first son Arsen, she announced her returning to active service. She entered the Queen’s Cup Final, won the Asian Championships and won the All Japan Women’s Wrestling Championship, but in July 2000 she retired again. She later returned on the occasion that women’s wrestling becoming the official event for the first time at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Although it aimed for her Athens Olympic appearance, she finished third in the “Japan Queen’s Cup” (Athens Olympic national team selection game) in February 2004, and she could not play her Olympic appearances. Then she retired from active services in April of the same year (later returned). After giving birth to her second son in December 2012, and her first daughter in November 2008, she moved to Toronto, Canada. In December 2015, she acquired Canadian citizenship. She aimed to participate in the Rio Olympics as a Canada representative but she couldn’t. In 2016, she announced her participation in mixed martial arts. In September of the same year, she made a debut at the Rizin Fighting World Grand-Prix in Saitama Super Arena. She had a hard time at first but she achieved three consecutive victories in 2018. In 2020, she is longing for winning the title. Her present record is 6 wins out of 10 matches (March 2020).
2020年11月26日(木)13:00〜21:00 ※オンライン配信のみ
2020年11月27日(金)13:00〜20:00 ※オンライン及びオフライン
スタンダード(2日間のオンラインセッション全てに参加可) ¥7,700
ワンデイDAY1(11/26のオンラインセッション全てに参加可) ¥5,500
ワンデイDAY2(11/27のオンラインセッション全てに参加可) ¥5,500
プレミアム(オンライン+オフライン全てに参加可) ¥22,000
学割スタンダード(2日間のオンラインセッション全てに参加可) ¥4,400
学割ワンデイDAY1(11/26のオンラインセッション全てに参加可) ¥3,300
学割ワンデイDAY2(11/27のオンラインセッション全てに参加可) ¥3,300
オフライン会場(11月27日):ザ・ストリングス表参道 東京都港区北青山3-6-8 表参道駅B5出口 地下通路より直結
主催:MASHING UP実行委員会(株式会社メディアジーン、mash-inc.)
November 26th 2020 (Thu) 13:00~21:00 ※Online sessions only
November 27th 2020 (Fri) 13:00~20:00 ※Both online and on-site sessions
Ticket Price:
<General Admission>
Standard (attend 2-day online sessions) ¥7,700
1-Day Pass: Day 1 (attend online sessions on Nov 26) ¥5,500
1-Day Pass: Day 2 (attend online sessions on Nov 27) ¥5,500
Premium (attend both online and on-site sessions) ¥22,000
<Student Discount>
Student Discount Standard (attend 2-day online sessions) ¥4,400
Student Discount 1-Day Pass: Day 1 (attend online sessions on Nov 26) ¥3,300
Student Discount 1-Day Pass: Day 2 (attend online sessions on Nov 27) ¥3,300
※Tickets are all tax included
For live streaming: After purchasing your ticket, we will send you instructions and a URL link to access the live streaming video.
Event venue (Nov 27): The Strings Omotesando 3-6-8 Kita-aoyama Minato-ku Tokyo
You will access to the venue through an underground path via exit B5 at Omotesando station
Organizer: MASHING UP team (Mediagene Inc., mash-inc.)


イベントに関するお問い合わせは下記MASHING UP運営事務局のアドレスにご連絡ください。
Please feel free to contact us for more details.